Dave wrote:  Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. These were all shot yesterday during our heavy snow storm. Male and female Cardinals a White-throated Sparrow and an Evening Grosbeak. NY state has been hit hard with snow this season. We have about a foot of snow on the ground but 1/2 to 3/4  hour north they have 4 feet on the ground. Dave

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

As you swing through life, enjoy all the weather offered to you – if I am safe, weather is my number one joy – I love to watch it from my “picture” window – sheets of rain, snow, sleet, wind, and of course super hot sunshine if the AC is working!