Hey, Look at Dave Cesari – He posted his success in Florida – All taken in the few days he has been in Florida this season. Click TGO Photo Club in left column.
Then Read On Here:
Photography is not going out, following the rules, and taking a perfect photograph.
A photograph is an image of life as we thought we saw it. Since we are all different and our subjects are always changing, the concept of following a set of simple rules does not apply to photography.
Therefore, there are no rules to break. Well that is not true. There are some rules to break ’cause we humans are born with some eye-brain perceptions we all find pleasing – regardless of which subjects we have a passion to photograph.
I am reading books, watching educational videos, and hope to attend classes that focus on “creative thinking” in photography. I want to learn the eye-brain perceptions that we all find good, comfortable, and pleasing. In art, that is called composition – regardless of the subject, media used, or emotion the photographer/artist wishes to convey.
I play around, every day, on my computer – play around changing composition to see the impact it has on my own eye-brain perception and try to line it up with what I read in the books:

As shot

Study and change composition

Composition study

Composition study – above and below – Below is just one image set from my dream series

As you swing thru life – and if you are a photographer – think about your eye-brain connection/perception – see if you can identify what is comfortable to you and everyone else.
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