- Click on The TGO Photo Club The Cesari’s are back in TGO – they been out phototgraphing Florida and they are sharing those photos with us. Click on The TGO Photo Club in the left column.
2. Next – Click on “Digital Photo Art” I have a book cover there – Do you think I could be a mystery writer? Hey, James K. – Would you write this book – That is a personal note to my son – from a conversation we had while I was recording happenings on my iPhone.
3. Then read on right here! Think about photographing your own Holliday season. Not just the tree and family/friend’s gatherings, but the things that happen every day.
Why photograph everyday things?
Because: it is fun to relive the fun things that happened to you. It is, also, fun to share them in the future. You can enjoy and/or share them one week from now, six months from now, or maybe years from now. Maybe after you are gone, your family will enjoy them as part of your legacy showing how you enjoyed each day.
The following photos show recent happenings that I enjoyed:

Gloria joined a new Gallery on Merritt island, her first series is a dozen flowers.

Blast off from the Cape – looking down our street. New Communications satellites heading skyward.

Reflections in the window & flowers in our Florida home in December

Young family showing the little-one the Christmas tree in the Mall

Landing in New York to visit my family – Yipes – traffic like I do not see in TGO.

Now I know why my daughter is driving with a down jacker on – ice on the trees

PhotoShop doodling on my iPad while flying to New York City – making a beautiful photo into a surreal image

Daughter & Granddaughter displaying their pure joy at being together for Christmas

More pure joy – in the kitchen with daughter and son

Oh my – getting ready for the kitchen – Look at the size of that New Jersey produce section – Not in Titusville

I digitally painted this photograph in Photoshop while on the plane heading back to Florida. It is of me enjoying morning coffee with family and 3 dogs! – Love it

Saw this in Orlando – “Creative Management” I call it – Teach others to do the important jobs. Of course it is in the front lawn of an IBM manager.

Back home in TGO

As you swing thru life – Think about the future joy you, friends, and family will get from the photos you snap today – I will save mine so that my future Great-grandchildren can learn by seeing things I enjoyed – Merry Christmas
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