Of course, you knew it was a modern garbage can in Titusville, Fl

What are they doing on this board walk – Could they have been doing it 10 years ago?

They are flying a drone taking photographs from as much as 1000 feet in the air to create promotional videos for Melbourne businesses.

Why is this friend of mine checking out the Max Brewer Bridge in Titusville, Fl.

She is not – we are birding – Well not me – I am peopling!

Bet you see clouds flying over I95 heading out of Titusville, FL

I saw an angel – arms outstretched protecting all drivers!

Looks like I am out in my golf cart just riding along looking a the beautiful lake and homes on the other side.

Nope, I am looking for my golf ball YIPES!!!

Is it a house? – I do not know – but – I see a goofy bird’s head?
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