The TGO Photo Club made Monday one of my best days ever – Wonderful – I was humbled. I was surprised. I was speechless. THANKS TO YOU.
At around 1:00 pm, Gloria told me to go outside and check a dead leaf on one of our plants. I stepped out the door and 10 or so horn-blowing-golf-carts and a few cars came driving down the road and stopped in front of my driveway. Gloria tricked me to be outside just as they came by.
After a few minutes of total mental confusion, I realized I knew all the folks in the carts and cars – and they showed that they were “celebrating” me. Yips – I fell to my knees – what was this all about?
Well, here is what it was all about. Last spring I “retired,” after many years, from being President of the TGO Photo Club. They said due to Corona virus the could not give me the party in the spring.
THEY GOT IT ALL WRONG – The celebration should have been for those that did not retire. You know it takes a village to make the TGO Photo Club what it is.
Dave Sphan took on the President’s role and he read a wonder “speech” to me. But he said Susan Hubbard wrote it, for the Club Linda Somers researched and purchased me a gift bottle of my favorite Scotch from the Island of Islay – an Island off the coast of Scotland – if you know Scotch you know what that means. I’ve been there, it is a very special “peaty-smoky” scotch unique to that Island. Obviously, not just Dave, Linda, and Susan made the club’s party for me happen – It took a village of people to make it happen – Thanks to you all.
Anyway, my front lawn was filled with masked friends that are new to the club and those that helped with the Club for years, maintaining community photo galleries, organizing photo shoot trips, posting photos & videos on many community web/facebook pages, showing their special photos at club meetings, holding “classes” in their homes and in the community, offering their time & their skills to photograph events held by other TGO clubs, keeping us informed through the “Happenings”, running meetings, and the list of what my friends have done goes on. As I said it takes a village of people.
These friends of mine are the folks that must celebrate themselves for making the TGO Photo Club a successful fun club. THANKS TO YOU ALL!
Click here to see a short movie Linda made for us

As you swing thru life – Smile and remember to enjoy your friends – and tell them you enjoy them
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