Jim wrote: When the Swans arrived on Drummond Island – it was one of those things that someone saw them and shouted “The swans are back” and eveyone ran to look out toward the gap to see them swim by.  When a swan flies, it exhibits incredible smooth strength in it’s wings – really it’s whole body is a thing of graceful strength with it’s neck outstreatched  to the front and it’s feet outstreatched to the back.  Check it out on Dave’s photo below.

Dave wrote:  Hi  Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog.  Tundra Swans. They breed in the high Arctic and migrate thru NY state in the late fall. They stop on the larger lakes in NY on their way to the Chesapeak Bay area where they winter. Dave

12 10 2023 DAVE CESARI

12 10 2023 DAVE CESARI

12 10 2023 DAVE CESARI

12 10 2023 DAVE CESARI

Now My Gap:

Yesterday I showed this morning photo.
July 2023 Jim Brubaker

Early evening

Later evening

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE – keep that phone camera ever ready – you may want to take a snapshot of something in the parking lot of Publix’s to share with us because it made you smile.