I have no idea what to write about today
– So, say I to me – “Write about several things” — So, say I – “I will” – Read on and see what I wrote.
I noticed only a few of my neighbors are ever out and about. That made me wonder about the production of rope. Maybe I should get into that business. What does rope have to do with my neighbors? Well, all the neighbors that were out and about had a piece of rope in their hand. In all cases, there was a dog attached to the other end of that rope.
That made me think about how living in a “Town” shapes us human beings. I lived the first twenty years on a country farm. Thousands of animals passed through my life on that farm. Granted, many of them were chickens. But I do not recall ever putting a rope around a chicken’s neck and having it lead me around on a moonlit night.

In all cases, there was a dog attached to the other end of that rope. OR was it I that was at the other end?
In this new modern life, we only provide a few ways to experience nature and the outdoors. Walking the dog (or having the dog walk us) is one way to get out in nature to have our noses “smell the roses” and have our mental and physical cycle “influenced by the phase of the moon.”

Whether a full moon or not, it is good to stop and smell the roses!
Hey, you “DO” believe that the phases of the moon control us? I have been reading that some folks believe the moon influence us a lot. Tells us when to “create” babies, it tells when murderers should murder, and it tells other people when to be grouchy, or when to feel you should be energized.
According to Chaffin Mitchell, AccuWeather staff writer:
The lunar theory is the idea that there’s some correlation between moon cycles and human behavior.

Lunacy is linked to the moon. Lunacy and lunatic stem from luna, the Latin word for moon.
It is believed that people were more likely to show erratic behavior during a full moon.
A publication in the National Criminal Justice Reference Service titled “Lunar effect” shows the moon brings about social tension, disharmony and bizarre results. Police records in Florida, show an increase in murders and aggravated assault around full moons.
Scientific studies have also proven:
- The moon affects our sleep patterns.
2, Supermoon’s cause baby boom.
3. Moon phases tell when to be Grouchy and Nice
4, The moon regulates menstrual cycles. Not very often in our retirement community?????
5, And, the new moon (Little moon light) controls animals: For example, many small animals are more active during the new moon phase, because they are less visible and have a lower chance to be eaten.
Do you think the moon affects people? Are you grouchy once a month? Do you toss and turn all night once a month?
Some say yes and some say no. Controversy – I love it – (another New Topic)
See, I surround myself with people who are respectful, who are kind, and who are opinionated. – In business I hired that way. In life I select friends that way. But that opinionated part creates controversy sometimes. But, controversy is good – it brings out new ideas.
If you listen to your friends when they express new ideas, how can you loose? Friends enjoy you because you listen and you get lots of new ideas without doing all that research work?
So, go out and walk your dog, look at the moon and let it influence your good side, and, kindly disagree with a friend.

Have a cup of coffee with your friend, listen to your friend talk, and as a result, learn something new, and both of you will feel good. —- How can you loose???

As you see, I have been seesawing between topics.
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