Hey, Who designed the clouds in the sky? Beautiful to see, are they not? Must have been designed by a professional sky scape architect.
The dictionary says architecture is a carefully designed structure of something. Clouds are a structure of something – of moisture. But, who was the architect. – Are the clouds really forms as I see them or are the forms I see as a figment of my cloudy mind? If so, I think that makes my cloudy mind the architect.
In college we studied architecture. It had rules. In my case we studied and created layouts of production shops – we designed steel mills, machine shops, automobile assembly plants – We did all that to make it easier, safer, more economical, – In short, improve working conditions and make the owners more money.
There were many rules of architecture we had to learn. We were Industrial Engineers. We designed and changed the architecture to support our findings and creativity. Beautifully designed efficient production facilities.
Our Florida home is ruled by the community’s Architecture Committee who has many rules. The result is a carefully designed structure of things – the street, the houses, the landscapes. Our street is beautifully designed according to rules of the architecture committee.
But, then I look up, the clouds form structures too – They are beautiful. But there are no rules – and the winds aloft change the structure ever so gently – every few seconds – not according to rules. The clouds just change and a new architecture is made of clouds – of moisture. They are beautiful.
It is impossible for me to look at a cloud and not see something of an earthly shape. Being an Engineer, it is also impossible for me not to use PhotoShop to help me show you the forms that I see.

This is a cloudy night over New York City

Cheryl sent me this iPhone image of the Super Moon

I focused in and said the point of interest is not the Super Moon – It is the two cloud faces around the moon.- Can you find them.

Over the gate to TGO – Oh, I see something I bet you do not see.

Did I help you see it?

Over my Bay on Drummond Island

At the upper end of the Rain Bow, on my street in Florida, I see a dog’s head blowing smoke?
The purpose of this little “Cloudy Mind” story is to get you to enjoy your sky more than you did before reading the story – Stop, Look Up, Study, and Laugh at what you see in the clouds. Let your mind be the cloud architect.
You may be embarrassed to tell others what you really saw. That is OK – Keep it to yourself for you alone to enjoy.
Sometimes I sawsee things that are not there – add little PhotoShop and now I seesaw them.
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