A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace.

A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch and outpace. I think that is Perla after Asdis – or the other way around – Icelandics love the snow!  Wonder why?

Did not have to hunt very far - but gee-wiz these guys are fun to watch - some with beautiful webs - Hey did you ever wonder how they build a web across a walk way! I have seen how - Look it up on the web (no pun intended)

Did not have to hunt very far – I always can find one outside my window (In the North or the South)  but gee-wiz this guy was fun to watch. You can see he has dinner waiting in his web.  Hey, did you ever wonder how they build a web across a walkway! – Usually the walkway I take in the morning.   Look it up on the web (no pun intended).

Found this "V" for victory off my dock this year  - followed them half way around the bay  - want to see who was the leader - Not a male, that was for sure!

Found this “V” formation off my dock this fall – jumped into my canoe – followed them half way around the Bay – I wanted to see who stayed in the lead position – I think the females tell the males what to do? I understand that, maybe I am a duck?

Is it the animals or the natural landscape that I suggest your study each day? I does not matter -- but some days visit a horse farm near you - This quote is the title of Alice Walkers’s collected poems, “Horses make a landscape look more beautiful”.

Some day visit a horse farm (Folks often stop along the road to watch and photograph these guys on Drummond Island) or go to Central Park .  – This quote is the title of Alice Walkers’s collected poems, “Horses make a landscape look more beautiful”. If you go to the Park – talk to the carriage drivers and their horses – they (the drivers) love their horses – I have always found that they will tell you about their family’s generations of carriage horses in NYC!

Not sure what you might study up north - maybe a cricket - any this guy was fun to watch as I went to sit down on my rocking chair with my lap top to create a blog for you!

Not sure what you might study up north – maybe a cricket – anyway, this guy was fun to study as I sat down on my rocking chair in Florida, with my laptop, to create a blog for you!

Most animals I run into to will stand and stare - what are you and what are you up to?

Most wild animals, that I run into, to will stand and stare – as if to ask me  “What are you doing?” This “Wild” calf was found near a hiking trail in the St John’s River Conservation Area near Titusville Florida just last month.


“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” says my Drummond Island  “Bucky”


Maybe you have a mouse in the garage, or the woodshed - Hey, what is a "WOODSHED?" Look it up on the web! Anyway - go with camera to hunt a mouse!

Maybe you have a mouse in the garage, or the woodshed – Hey, what is a “WOODSHED?” Look it up on the web! Anyway – go out with camera to hunt a mouse!