Nature as I saw it in the last day or two here in TGO – well all but the first photo – my Granddaughter took it in NYC.
For some reason God gave me the beautiful ability to see things others might not catch. Every scene in nature I wonder- why the tree has bark like that, why the bird has red eyes, why, why. Then sometimes the things I see only pass through my mind as walk or ride on reflecting – Like a strange dream the image might make no sense – but like a dream I enjoy the images. I will show you a few examples just for fun:
Dave Wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. The warbler family is my favorite family of birds. The Canada Warbler is one of my favorites in the warbler family. Here are some pictures of a Canada Warbler I took yesterday.A beautiful bird. Dave
You know I see many many things of life that for some reason I just have to grab my camera and snap it. Then in my quiet time, days later, I bring those snapshots up on my computer and enjoy what I saw.
See if you enjoy these. Now the deer is not PhotoShopped into the bed of that truck – it was really there, maybe the deer just needed a ride. The rainbow colors, the reflected sky, the floatation, the alligator were all in the view I saw from the bridge. “Loving thyself rocks” was just an interesting name for a business – so I had to snap it. I adjusted my eyes correctly and I saw the car in front of the motor home as being painted with a pattern. Anyway, each of these are what I call loving life photographs – I see many each day – I think my phone has 20,000 such images.
Dave Wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. The spring migration here in the Rome, NY area is just about non- existent. The neo-tropical insectivores are almost gone. They are the warblers,tanagers. thrushes and orioles. For someone like me who is really into birding and bird photography it is very depressing.Here are some pictures of birds at my feeder set up. That is about the only area where we are seeing any birds. Dave
The Great Outdoors is a great place to see animals – some very wild and some sort-of used to people. I do send this message to you – enjoy them but be careful. Keep the Great Outdoors the Great Outdoors as long as we can.
Now days I have time to go out and about to look for animals. I often use my iPhone camera to snap what I see. Here are three snapshots:
Dave wrote: Hi Jim, It has been a cold wet spring here in upstate NY. I haven’t been out in my blind to photograph Wood Ducks very much. It has been mostly dark and wet. I did get out a few times when we had some sun. Here are a few shots of Woodies plus a shot of the permanent blind we built a few years ago on one of the ponds behind our property. Dave
You know, Spring is my favorite time of year. I try to spend hours outside where ever I may be. In Florida it harder to know when spring starts and winter ends than many places I hav been in spring, but plants and the animals knows when it is spring.
Plants show flowers, grass is growing , and animals are out and about. I captured, with my iphone camera, a few of the many I see each day. Not all are as artistically beautiful as the Wood Duck but they are all fun to see and enjoy:
Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Spring has gotten here in upstate NY. We went to a big swamp near where we live. We had an American Bittern come out. Here are a few shots. Bitterns are very secrative and hard to see. We feel lucky to see and photograph one. Many birders never do see one. We know where we can find them with a little luck. Dave
I took a photo of a thistle with dew and here is what I got
Dave Wrote: Hi Jim, here are some pictures for the blog. We have a Bald Eagle’s nest 3 or 4 miles from where we live. Here are some pictures of both the male and female at the nest. The female seems to be sitting on eggs. The male is usually somewhere near by. The last picture is by our grand daughter who we just set up with a camera and lens. She is so excited she can hardly stand it. That is the fun of being a grand parent. Dave
I Wrote: I lost these photos and Dave had to remind me – I am sure glad I found them – No one can make me enjoy a snowy day in up-state New York the way Dave and his photos do. Hope you enjoy them that much too:
Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Yesterday was a snowy, stormy day here in upstate NY. Our feeders were very active all day. I had to trudge out in the snow to refill them several times. Dave
“Where did I put those keys?” … “What was it I wanted when I opened the frig door?” … What was that phone number I just looked up?” I just was not focusing.
As I get older this happens to me more often. So, to help me practice focusing, I use street photography as one of my hobbies. When out on the street looking to photo people doing interesting things, I need to focus.
In the next three photos I was focusing on people that were focusing. Of course they were in their own world, so I did not know what they were focusing on.
I added Dave’s Cardinal, so that when you viewed my photos you would have something that you thought they were focusing on. Ha Ha!
Now you know how I practiced focusing by focusing on those that were focusing!
I Wrote: I lost these photos and Dave had to remind me – I am sure glad I found them – No one can make me enjoy a snowy day in up-state New York the way Dave and his photos do. Hope you enjoy them that much too:
Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Yesterday was a snowy, stormy day here in upstate NY. Our feeders were very active all day. I had to trudge out in the snow to refill them several times. Dave
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