The beetle’s hiding post

It’s a Killer.
The beetle’s hiding post
It’s a Killer.
12/13 Update – Below are two iPhone photos of a scene on Twin Lakes – one as the cell phone camera saw it and one as my mind saw it.
“Christmas does magic, it guides your mind to make life softer, more compassionate, more loving, more peaceful, and more fun.”
12 10 2016 Jim B – an unaltered iPhone Christmas photo
12 10 2016 Jim B – Christmas as seen on Twin Lakes by my mind
12/10 – Below is a photo of TGO’s Manage and Son followed by a parade slideshow:
Hey, Jump to the photohappenings.com web site
See a slideshow via iPhone of our community Golf Cart Christmas Parade – No Snow! http://photohappenings.com
I will show more of NYC in another day. But first:
All my life I have enjoyed being alone with the woods – Pennsylvania mountains, Canada wilderness, Texas deserts, Florida swamps, even a busy Island like Block Island, in the dead of winter, had woods to walk.
I went, not deep into the woods for days – just a few hours out and few back – maybe a few overnights where I could still sense civilization nearby.
To take my gun (I was much too young to be trusted with such an instrument by today’s standards) and head out for a Sunday afternoon walk along a Pennsylvania stream was the TV of my youth.
Yesterday I carried no gun, my instrument was my iPhone camera. So, using my iPhone photos, I will take you along on a three hour walk:
Who maintains the two log walking bridge? But, it is one access to the “Swamp” area.
First a long downed palm tree – I have photographed for the last 15 years – I still see a face in it – Do you?
I see my friends – the herd of 4 or 6 cows
Another herd of younger cows – one has a white bird sitting on its head!
Oops – No problem – Just a non-poinsous RedBellied snake (Lower right) – But be cautious -never focus too long on cows with out scanning the area around your feet!
Who passed here – Canine or Bobcat. I think Bobcat – fairly round foot print and one longer toe – those two features say cat to me?
A palm tree on the horizon creates the figure of a cross in this Christmas season.
A loan bird soars in the the cloudy sky
Joined by three more
Sun is getting low as I return to the two log bridge
I know the cows enjoy camping out here – can you tell
I know the wild pigs enjoy dinner on my trail – Can you tell?
My instrument of the day helped share this walk in the swamp area
When I did my iPhone tour of the streets of NYC (Borough of Brooklyn) I found food I never heard of. I bet some is more economical than what I purchase at my local grocery store, and maybe it ships better – when cooked may taste better, it may not have annoying seed that need to be crushed or removed for preparing processed food? If I managed a company making prepared foods, I would search the Globe for foods with these qualities.- Food varieties that I never heard of.
During my NYC walk abouts, two things fascinated me: 1. Found food varieties I have not seen before, and 2. how the food is displayed (almost artistic) by some local vendors.
Today I’ll show you the first one – some unique (to me) foods:
You say – what is unique here. Answer = “Nothing” but that is that is the last non-unique food I will show
Does your food market carry Kucho Muki?
Does you market have such a nice open-air like this? Oh, let’s look a the sinage a little closer?
Does you store sell “Medium Hard Chicken?” – I think that is what the first line sells for $1.89/pound.
Can you get all that this sign is advertising?
I do not often buy Fuyu at Publix in Titusville.
This sign kinda tells you what they are- Parshimony. See by looking around you can often read other’s languages and customs. Well “maybe”???
Not sure I understood the spelling – But here is what I learned from Google: The Fuyu persimmon is an improved variety that benefits from a trifecta of qualities; it lacks a core, seeds, and tannins (tannins equate to an astringent persimmon). Fuyu persimmons have a squat and rounded beefsteak tomato like shape and are capped with an indented leaf on their stem end.
They sure sell squat bumpy carrots.
Is this a: Saba banana is a triploid hybrid (ABB) banana cultivar originating from the Philippines. It is primarily a cooking banana though it can also be eaten raw. It is one of the most important banana varieties in Philippine cuisine. — Again from Google??
Think I have seen these Dragons before – never at Sune’s Grocery on the Island of Drummond.
Now the wine makers love these whereever I go – I think – I only know the end product!
Finally I have at least one banana a day – with these short squatty one I may need two?
On the next posting I want to show you the food display (almost artistic way) that some local vendors use to show off their food.
In the past I have talked to the Photo Club of Pattern, Texture, & Color as qualities of design in a photograph – “What you think?” More next post.
Determining the origin of human language is considered the “the hardest problem in science” However it is pretty well agreed that long before 30,000, years ago folks communicated.
My last publishing spoke of our uniqueness created by how we viewed the space around us and how we pass that view along to our children and their children.
But whoa, we are also unique because of the language and expressions passed down to us, and that we pass down to our children and their children. Language is a little like space, we are not taught to be influenced by the space around us and we are not taught how to speak a language – it is just there!
We see printed language (information) and we absorb it without really reading it – but only if it is in our own unique language.
A stick with four english messages – I did not really have to read them to know their meaning – I absorbed the message – the information.
But, we can learn another language enough to communicate with others when needed. But we generally have to “study” the meaning of a message written in a learned language – we can not just absorb the message as easy as one written in our own unique language or dialect.
I am not sure what Talleres de Alimentos means – I will have to study a little.
After looking around and studying – I determine it means “Food Workshop” – a little of study and I got it
Just like in NYC today, our clan would have had it’s own language 50,000 years age – even the Neanderthals’. The need to communicate at clan gatherings would have motivated communications across languages. Clan gatherings were required to exchange goods (commerce). In NYC it is a must.
Some times the environment helps the study – had they said “Gold” I would have known by absorption – but here I had to ponder ORO – is that ore – the watch photo in the door way, the racks of jewelry seen thru the door – I think I studied it out – they are selling or buying ore (gold).
50,000 years ago, at the Clan’s meetings, they had to learn to negotiate in some form of common language “I offer, five cows for you daughter ????” and the Old Man had to say in reply – “You fool, nothing less the 10 cows and one goat” New words were invented and old words were merged for some common understanding.
In comercial endeavors there is often universal words that are newly invented that cross languages – like “Medicare”
Enjoy your uniqueness of language, accent, and dialect, but respect and enjoy the study of expressions in the language of others. In NYC it is a must. If you can, go there and spend a day and just focus on the way folks get around the language barrier.
I know about language barriers. When I moved near to NYC, with my Pennsylvania Dutch background, I did not think I had a language barrier. But, friends often tried to understand what I said. Some of my Clan’s expressions were unique to me: “The pie is all” or “Redd up your room now” or Make wet today?” or “Quit rutsching” or “Outen the lights” or “Mox nix” or “Right like” or “Dippy ecks.” I think my friends just thought “Yah, well.”
The Pennsylvania Dutch Church of the Brethren in later years, after I left the farm, wrote and distributed a large book aimed a keeping it’s core values but “Going Mainstream.” There was a discussion of the impact that their “Clan’s”use of the Pa Dutch dialect had on their non-mainstream.
Quite a change for a Pa Dutch farm boy! I think this photo says a lot of what they tried to do. Since I am not there, I do not really know of their success in accomplishing Mainstream.
“Yah, well you’ins” mark my words, txt language is the new universal language anyway – WUT?
For example, I would write:
“I love the weather today. Are you enjoying it too? In my humble opinion you should be having a nice day. I bet you are chuckling for all to hear.”
But, a person with some fluency in TXT would write:
“LWT r u enjoying it 2 IMHO u should b having a HAND. bet u r CFATH”
END OF THIS STORY “HEY, NOW WHAT IS UP?” or “hey wutz^?”
The space around my first years was what I thought was the typical home – with aunts and uncles and Grand Parents gather at our house for chicken, rabbit, and ham – We ate only what we raised or shot. Did not everyone?
My Mon dressed us kids up for our photograph – Honest that is me at maybe 5???, years old.
We men always went hunting on Thanksgiving after the morning barn chorus were done – I went to the internet for this photo – but it could have been me at maybe 15 years of age?
Then 50 years later, in Texas, near our play ranch we got together with friends for dinner and to show off our Belted Galloway herds in Texas size space. Didn’t everyone?
Then, we retired to Florida – near long time friends who did the same – we often chose to celebrate the season with more then one dinner – at least one at our home but them maybe one not at home – rather at at a local restaurant. Still some space but not like Texas. Now we are getting more normal – Right?
My norm of life may not have been the same as anyone else. That is my point – we each have a norm of life that is unique – that is what makes each of us so beautifully unique – we, and thus our children, and their children see the norm of life by the space around us, by what we present to them, by where we live, by our thoughts, by what we do, by how we dress, by how we shared life with others, and by how we celebrated Thanksgiving.
So, I was thinking – when I looked at my photographs from NYC – The people who live there see different space than we see – what a difference the norms of life are to them, their children, their children’s children. – Their view of space is unique as is ours.
I found a number of grocery shops like the in Queens – this is normal space there – not often seen in Titusville, Fl or Luckenbach, TX, or Drummond Island. But as you can see it shows family gathering food for the Thanksgiving season.
Look at the size of the chain on this bike – not a typical way to park your bike when you stop at the restaurant in the community called TGO (The Great outdoors) where we live florida – this view of space as you walk down the street in NYC has a subtle impact on the 5 year old – an impact of how they view space on this Thanksgiving day
I know the front doors are close together and the windows are barred – but these folks coordinated colors, painted nicely, and planted and maintained beautiful entrance gardens. A nice, but different view of space for these NYC folks, than our Texas Galloway’s out in the field
Just one more photo of limited space. But, look at how clean and shinny the automobiles are – I see pride that the owners have . They want their space to look good! and they are protecting it with a fold away “Bumper Bully”
Hope I have shown, in a positive way, what makes us beautifully unique – so when you meet someone new – remember their growing up view of space may be quite different than yours – thus, of course, they see things a little different – be tolerant and enjoy your uniqueness.
Looking up we all pretty much see the same space
Each time I left the apartment during my two days in NYC, I would pick a photo essay topic – a topic of subjects that I seldom find on my Drummond Island in Michigan or my TGO home in Florida. The topic this day is simply “NYC PARKING”!
Before I start with my own photos, I went to the web and entered the search phrase “The art of parallel parking”
I found: “Some drivers with years of experience still lack confidence in their ability to parallel park. A 2009 Harris Interactive online study, commissioned by Ford Motor Co., found that one-third of U.S. drivers “avoid parallel parking” — 35 percent rated their parallel parking skills as “fair” or “poor.””
Then, I found these three photos on the WEB:
This is what I mean by making space!
Small cars are easier to park – but getting them out ain”t easy!
At Police training school they teach you that patrol cars are easy to park – “no tickets”
Now for my observations in NYC
Car roof after car roof – No breaks for parking.- This is a main street in Queens
Does that say Bumper Bully – I think the driver can flip it up into the car when going into the church parking lot – Not good to declare oneself a “Bully” there.
Another Bully – Wonder if the driver was a “Wanna be” playground Bully?
A firmer type of guard
On the rear too – but look at the red car – did that rubberized gear on the bumper come with the car or was it optional equipment for NYC?
I think this receiver hitch was more to discourage “Pushing” than to pull a boat trailer
OOPS – Got “Pushed” just a little too hard – The driver has learned not to set the hand break – Just let ’em “push” you
Paint broken on end of bumper – wonder how that could have happened?
Now, how do you think the driver parked this car, got the wheel chair out of the car, and then rode the wheelchair unto the sidewalk through this small space?
Now what is the story here – messed up bumper and a baby shoe hanging from the hitch?
And how about this driver? Very careful not to push his/her luck with the “Receiver Hitch” on the car in front of them. Just push the one behind out of the way.
OOPS – how did that get in here – A Drummond Island traffic jam
Being raised a country boy from a self sustaining farm, from morning to night I was out in the fields often working with a team of horses, tending cattle, making fence, caring for free ranging chickens, or harvesting hay/wheat/oats by hand. – As an adult I have flown much – often every day into many cities -, but, I think because I am a country boy, I am still totally fascinated by the views of NYC from the window of a jet plane on a clear day. I hope that you, too, enjoy each flight you take – wherever it my be.
Approaching NYC – With only an iPhone – I show you “Lower Manhattan” with the “Freedom Tower” where the World Trade center once stood, the Hudson, the East river, NJ, Staten Island, – not sure what else.
Further along – I saw Mid-Town Manhattan with the Empire State Building – Rockefeller Plaza, and where all the the early morning “News Shows” originate. And of course, Central Park in the upper right of the photograph – and the Hudson River, the East River. Plus another of the five boroughs of NYC, Queens, in the foreground.
Now, almost on final, you see the landing strip at LaGuardia airport. I think that is the George Washington Bridge in the top center – That is NJ in the far top leading onto the GW. (That is what local folks call the George Washington Bridge)
Off the plane – this bike interested me – I do not have chain for my bike – either in The Great Outdoors of Florida or on the Island of Drummond in Michigan .- but in NYC you must have a big chain – but look at the seat on the cross bar – What do you think it is for? – Is that the New York City bicycle built for Two? You know, a Gentleman giving his sweetie a ride home after a long day working in the office together?
As a joke – sort of – I snapped this shot when we first arrived at my sun-in-law’s apartment. I thought maybe New Yorkers found an improved way to exercise! But instead, it was real story of generosity. They gave up there bedoom for us and they slept in the living room on a make-shift bed – THANKS A LOT GUYS – They had to moved chairs to make room for their make-shift bed. So the only place for this rocking chair was….. – yep, you guessed it!
Think I will save the next 100 or so NYC photos for a later posting – Hope you enjoy your next family visit – as we did – even if it is into the center of a city! Or maybe because it is in the center of a city.
OOPS – That not in the city – It is a “swamp cow” near our home in Florida. Catch you later!
Do I hear a Moo? – I heard a herd – so, a “Hunting we did go” -Look what we found:
Momma and calf looking and I am sure she is saying “Where are my glasses – I think i see an intruder”
“You are right – there is an intruder – Let’s tell the herd , just in case they have not heard – Mooooo”
Having a sip of wine in front of my garden before leaving the Island
Having a sip of wine during a storm at my Florida home
Having a second sip of wine during a storm at my Florida home
Having a sip of wine during a storm on my sitting room on the Island
Having a sip of morning coffee by our lake in Florida.
I wish for the sun to shine in your weather day!
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