I like this photo – I do not know what sort of seed pod it is – but it caught my attention as I went out hiking about. The seed pods were hiding under a bunch of brambles and I used my cell phone to capture, for you, what I saw that day.
I like this photo – I do not know what sort of seed pod it is – but it caught my attention as I went out hiking about. The seed pods were hiding under a bunch of brambles and I used my cell phone to capture, for you, what I saw that day.
This site can not handle slideshows, so, I had to put my slide show on my page on the Photo Club’s web site that I maintain: http://photohappenings.com/jim-brubaker-april-2016/
My friend said “Is that a Night Heron” – after study say we say “We think it is a TriColored Heron – Dumpy looking guy in the marsh edge.”
But, when he walks out into the stream, I would say he is regal, not dumpy at all. Do you not think as I do – This is the same bird as in the marsh edge? Wish I could improve my looks that much – just by getting out and about!
Then up close – I see a red eye – like a Night Heron – but the rest of the plumage is not Night Heron – so I say TriColored – And I am sticking to it!
Our noses (beaks) are the same size but different color – Says one to the other “You OK with that?”
“Yipes, I was OK with the different color but the different size I don’t know”
Hey – what kind of Hair spray do you use – I am having one H…. of a bad hair day!”
Official Tricolored bird identification photo from the web
Oh- here is some info on the Tri:
Adults have a blue-grey head, neck, back and upperwings, with a white line along the neck. The belly is white. In breeding plumage, they have long blue filamentous plumes on the head and neck, and buff ones on the back.
The tricolored heron stalks its prey in shallow or deeper water, often running as it does so. It eats fish, crustaceans, reptiles, and insects.
Look at the “official” photos – Did my friend and I identify correctly?
Another Official Tricolored bird identification photo from the web
Hey kids, Yesterday I posted things I find, as I am out and about, that others my not notice – I want you to do the same as you go out and about – where ever you are – in the country, on the sub-way, at school, on your porch or stoop – where ever.
On the golf course I saw the woodpecker – ’cause the foursome behind us was making me feel like I better hurry up and hit the ball – not hold up the game – I had very little time to study this bird – but I did see what he was doing – I think – here I will show you – what do you think?
Hiding behind the tree – I sneaked around and caught him – as a silhouette only
But with PhotoShop I was able to isolate him to see the red on his head.
Now I see what he was doing – having lunch I bet – look, I think that is his tongue sticking out. I think I may have held up the golf game long enough to see something that others may not have seen!
Lunch time at the “Old Tree” restaurant
Some animals blend in with their environment so that we might overlook them. That increases the animal’s chances of survival. This simple fact has caused animal species to evolve a number of special adaptations that help them find food and keep them from becoming food. One of the most widespread and varied adaptations is natural camouflage, an animal’s ability to hide itself from predator and prey. With the cat, particular markings or colors allow it to blend in with its environment.
I think I see a kitty cat.
Walk around the bush – I do see a Kitty Cat.
Get up close – with a telephoto lens and PhotoShop and study the the eye of a heron. – Did you do that today?
Or, pretending to be a dentist – did you see and study the teeth of a Gator?
It is easy to see one of these guys with a mouth full of grass.
But did you lay down on the ground and stay long enough and snap many many photos – to get a good look at his open mouth as he is about to take a bite of his salad?
Yipes, I think I smell a Kitty – I better go hide!
I am not much on frog identification but I think the one I photographed is the Green Tree Frog – what you think?
This is the one I photographed.
A photo from the official Florida frog identification source.
Even if I am wrong and just in case you are interested in Green Tree Frog information – I looked it up.
Size:Usually 1 to 2.5 in.
Identification: Slender body is bright to dark green, or sometimes grayish, and may be marked with yellow flecks; skin is smooth. Sides are clearly marked with whitish stripes, usually with crisp black borders; stripes may be absent in some individuals. Like all treefrogs, this species has enlarged, sticky toepads.
WOW – Now you know and I do think I am correct in my identification.
Tomorrow I hike and look again – maybe something new will appear in my lens.
Took advantage of the cool Florida weather – found a “sounder of swine” – Looked it up and Google said that is what I could call a group of pigs?
The end for now
Click below to read my letter to you.
Now some i-phone photos of the season :
Just to set the tone – Christmas decorations in front of one home in the community
This is the Atlantic Ocean as seen January 1, 2017
The wave rolls in and returns.
I sink my toes into the sand
I think this a domestic fight – maybe over behavior at the New Years Eve party – I don’t know
A captain was not watching his GPS system – Think he sank his sail boat. – Or maybe he just parked his submarine – the one with a sail arrangement!!!
Then I biked the nature trail – saw a salad eating turtle
By the nature trail – How did this mess happen?
By the nature trail – Looks like a big farm plow did this? But, being a farm boy, I know better – a pig did it – Did I say a pig? Yep, just rooting around for dinner.
Oh boy – somebody spread some corn – desert for the pig.
OOPS – Darn it – I was tricked with desert.
OOPS – We were tricked with desert – This is the apple strudel that Gloria served as the desert to her great New Year’s Day Dinner – Now, the bathroom scales is my cage so to speak!
The main course
The good luck part
Some of the supply of pre dinner and post dinner snacks – Some of the gifts from our children THANKS AGAIN
Happy Day and Happy Year from Perla and me
A cloud I took a photo of just this evening – I always see things – like people, animals, cartoons, etc – do you see things in clouds? Maybe a cartoon mouse ??
In our neighborhood an architect creatively used lighting and a palm tree shadow to decorate this garage door – I love it – I have seen it many times but a fried sent me this photo which I sure hope you enjoy as much as I do.
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