CategoryJim’s Daily

March 14, 2017 – Adaptation – we do it, animals do it – in fact we all do – And wow it is great!

Boy, have we adapted to change during these 81 years of mine!


The animals that have adapted to the city, got it made – like in the community I live in in Florida and on the Island I live on in Michigan.

The falcon sitting on our church steeple can swoop down on prey (food). His food is those little animals and birds that also adapted to the way of the city. For that falcon, I think it is easier than sitting on a remote high cliff where food is scarce.

White-tailed deer, which I seldom saw on the Pa. farm when I was a teenager, now number in the millions.  They thrive in an environment of green lawns fertilized with Scotts Weed and Feed, flower gardens, vegetable gardens, and the absence of predators. – and the sportsmen feed them hay in extreme weather and my neighbors feeds them bagged food in the summer. They adapted and flourished.

The deer should get the same pay as movie stars get – why? cause they entertain us. You see, we humans benefit as much as the semi-tame (semi-domestaced) wildlife do.  Local wildlife is our TV for 6 months of the year – (We have no TV on Drummond) – we watch wildlife and did not even have to travel – we watch  coyotes, bear, mink, beaver, otters, deer, even a moose, ……..

And that contact is good. Stephen Kellert, professor of social ecology at Yale University wrote:  “All of our senses and capabilities, even our spiritual capacities, are based on ongoing contact with the natural world. Contact with nature is essential to our health and physical well-being.”

How did it happen that we have all this on-going contact with nature? Here is how:

The ability for all creatures to adapt is what shapes the world – Adaptation and domestication is the word. If we did not learn to adapt to controlling animals (to domesticating them) and if animals did not adapt to being controlled (domesticated) where would we be.

Domestication shaped us more than the invention of the steam engine or the rocket engine. If we did not train animals to adapt – train the horse to let us ride as fast as the buffalo ran so that we could kill it for food, feed/pen the cow, the feed/coop the chicken, create little dogs and big dogs from the wolf, teaching them to fetch (hunt and bring back) – no wolf would understand fetching – where would we be. We would all be hunters and gathers roaming the earth on foot, looking for food! – no cities – gotta keep moving to find food.

So, the ability of animals to adapt to our cities (be semi-domesticated) does shape our world. This ability shaped the world back when humans first rode horses and it is doing it now that cities are the new wildlife habitat.

Oh, well – ‘nough of that – go to the web sites of your local nature museum – see how your neighbors are photographing and enjoying nature!

It is amazing how much my body had adapted – Well I did resist changing to “day-light-saving” time – but no longer do I resist sunshine, bike rides, and shorts – This photo from Morristown, NJ today 3/14/2017


March 9, 2017 – I love to tell you of at least one thing I thought about today – Today I thought about animals.

Almost every day of my life I think about, watch, hope to watch, and/or touch animals. Do you?

But what I really thought about was how animals have adapted to me over the last 80 years.  What do I mean “adapted”

The first book of my own (besides the Bible) was “50 Years A Hunter and Trapper” – It was stories told by an old outdoor person who lived in the Pennsylvania woods north of where I grew up.  He adapted to the animal’s way of life.

In those days you almost had to live out in the woods – adapt to the animals way of life – to see deer, coyotes, mink, raccoons, etc. The animals I saw every day were domesticated – forced or trained to adapt to our way of life – barn cats cows, dogs, pigs, horses, etc.  The barn cats were the only ones that were elusive – I would sneak around trying to find them – just to see if the were hiding a batch of kittens under a pig pen or hay mow.

The only time I had off (always had farm chores to do) was Sunday afternoon – off I would go walking (Hunting) in the woods – trying to adapt like the old man who wrote “50 Years a hunter and Trapper” – I was trying to adapt to the animals way for just a few hours.

Many Sundays I saw very few animals – only saw frogs, maybe a couple of grey squirrels, or a groundhog. I always looked for flying squirrels and Fox squirrels. Never saw an eagle, bobcat, or bear. Had to go deeper into the woods then I had time to go into. I did see a weasel once chasing a rabbit.

This Bobcat is working to adapt –  is chasing birds on a utility bole : dangerous but a sample of adaption in order to eat.

But now I live in what I call a city of maybe 3,000 people and I see animals every day – so I will to do some research on how animals have adapted to us. I do not have to be a backwoods person to enjoy “wild” animals every day.

This happened two nights ago – around 9:30pm. That is what prompted my thinking on this topic:

This poor bob cat had an argument with an automobile within an easy walk of my house. Appeared to be knocked out but show no signs of bleeding or broken bones.

The story had a happy ending – a neighbor and I watched it – protected it from being hit again – within 15 minutes it lifted it’s head, staggered off the road and laid down – we attempted to put a sheet over it to have a vet check it – but no need to – Kitty jumped up, shook itself, and ran off into the woods – appeared to be in great health.


I was thinking – if I saw a BobCat 65 years ago on one of my hunts into the woods -That would have been a double WOW – now I see one every couple of months – right in the city which I live in.

I will study more on animals adapting to us – I will tell you of my findings.

Deer are one of the most adaptable – I think – Mama and babies are around everywhere – Love it! Don’t you?


February 23, 2017 – Nature around my house does not have to be a snake story, but I will do one more snake story.

Heather saw my snake story – she made reference to the fact that I have always been falling off things – Horses, bikes, motorcycles, jeeps, (she did not mention the roof, threshing machine, hay wagon, or tractor) – That brings to mind a Texas Ranch story –

Close your eyes and think – Tractor is stored In barn – Think of me getting tractor ready to shred (Mow) the grass along our 1/2 mile long road (driveway) – the road runs all along the pasture with 16 Belted Galloway cows and calves watching me. By getting ready, I mean,  put in diesel fuel, check oil level, grease the bearings on the mower – stuff like that. Never checked the seat of the tractor – why would I – it always worked in the past and needed no maintenance.

See, this is exactly what the cow saw once I got started!

See, this is exactly what the cow saw once I got started!

The eye tell the story - amazed and laughing at the same time - Belted Galloways do that you know

But then, the eyes tell the story – amazed and laughing at the same time – Belted Galloways do that you know

The next image the cows saw was this.

The next image the cows saw was this.

This photo looks fake, I know – but the story is true – You see, no one was there to photograph the happening. So, I had to reconstruct it in PhotoShop.

How did that snake get around me – Now I do not want you to ask the important question  “How I got our of the tractor so fast?” – maybe with the energy of a 5 year old – Incidentally, I left so fast the tractor was still in gear mowing right along without me.

Oh, back to the snake – lets suppose we had a camera in the barn before I started and look through the space between the seat and the back of the seat – Yipes!


I been told that snakes like the feel of warm bodies?

I have been told that snakes like the feel of warm bodies and there was an open spce in the seat and a warm body right on the other side of the open space. – Me.


Thanks for reminding me, Heather – As I said, I have lived my experiences and enjoyed each one.

Think the snake was even laughing at me

Think the snake was even laughing at me





February 21, 2017 – Just for a fun – Nature around my house today.

Arrive in my driveway at 2:00 pm With a broom we encouraged him/her into a bucket we laid on the driveway. (Had to use the broom because, I picked him/her up by the tail but he/she got very mad and almost bit my arm before I was able to drop him/her into the bucket.)

Arrived in my driveway at 2:00 pm) A Florida Water Snake – But where is the water?  I called my friend for backup because I know she is a “Now be careful – you must be kind to all animals”  type of person. 

With a broom we encouraged him/her into a bucket we laid on the driveway. (Had to use the broom because, I picked him/her up by the tail but he/she got very mad and almost bit my arm before I was able to drop him/her into the bucket. Then our plan –  get into the golf cart and take him/her to an old fishing hole by the nature trail and release him/her.


But first, I must tell you a funny story that I have no picture to show – Just as I sat down on golf cart seat with with bucket on the floor – the snake did a strike to get out – I jumped backward, fell out of the golf cart – did a tuck and role – bucket fell out of golf cart – landed on it’s side – snake crawling out of bucket toward my pant leg  – I STOOD UP SO FAST YOU WOULD HAVE THOUGHT I WAS 5 YEARS OLD – – but we used broom – got it all back together – snake in bucket me on seat – off we went to old fishing hole.

Here is where we put him/her - now houses or driveway near by

By the old fishing hole – Here is where we put him/her – no houses or driveway near by

Yep - I got conformation that he/she is a happy snake! - ready to head to water and new home

Yep – I got my friend to confirm that he/she is a happy snake! – ready to head to water and new home

Yep - there he/she goes - Heading for cover, water, and new home.

Yep – there he/she goes – Heading for cover, water, and new home. 

Yipes, I think I smell a snake - I better go hide now!

Yipes, I think I smell a snake – I better go hide now!

February 18, 2017 – Just scanning some photos on my computer – I will show you 3 or 4 from travels past.

In New York City

In New York City

Snow food for Perla on Drummond Islnd

Snow food for Perla on Drummond Islnd

In New York City

In New York City

A community service service project - Hanging photos to decorate the walls of our Community center Building

A community service service project – Hanging photos to decorate the walls of our Community center Building

In New York City

In New York City

Summer food on Drummond Island

Summer food on Drummond Island

Toe Nail Trim on Drummond Isalnd

Toe Nail Trim on Drummond Isalnd

Poop wagon on drummond Island

Poop wagon on drummond Island

With PhotoShop we see both Florida and New York City

With PhotoShop we see both Florida and New York City

Shadow Boxing in New york City

Shadow Boxing in New york City

Well, folks, that is some of what my camera found in travels past

Well, folks, that is some of what my camera found in travels past

February 15, 2017 – It is always time to see shadows, reflect, and hug an island – You did hug an island today did you not?

Above, is a corner of my Florida garden with a shadow on the floor. 

My Drummond Island garden - with a little PhotoShop

My Drummond Island garden – with a little PhotoShop

No PhotoShop here - Just a reflection turned up-side down!

No PhotoShop here – Just a reflection turned up-side down!

Here it is right side up

Here it is right side up

Me just playing around for fun

Me just playing around for fun

"Go away, this is my Island" No PhotoShop here - Just a gator, caught on my cell phone camera, hugging an island

“Go away, this is my Island” No PhotoShop here – Just a gator, caught on my cell phone camera, hugging an island


February 11, 2017 – Been a while since I updated this site – Why??? I do not know. Guess I have been dreaming.

I enjoy dreaming – don’t know that I really have had bad dreams.  Most of the time I do not remember my dreams anyway.

I went on-line and found some words about dreams:

“Dreams can be entertaining, fun, romantic, disturbing, frightening and sometimes bizarre.

Flying in a dream relates to how much control we feel we have in our lives. They are one of the most euphoric dreams.”

I kinda like Charlie Brown too – What does that have to do with dreams – I don’t know – any take a look at a very short slideshow of dreams that I made just for you guys:

OOPS!  This site can not handle slideshows, so, I had to put my slide show on my page on the Photo Club’s web site that I maintain:

Dream of riding off into the sunset!

Then, dream of riding off into the sunset!

January 31, 2017 – Today’s topic = The Farmers Market, “I Love New York” (for 2 days at a time), and roots.

Farmers Market Queens 2016 November - Think Roots!

Farmers Market Queens 2016 November – Think Roots!

In November we visited NY City – Stay with Marc and family in Queens – one of NY City boroughs. NY City is such a unique place that I can not help but spend much time out and about with my camera. Just yesterday with Florida friends we had lunch – I got to show off my NYC photos – They were amazed, they laughed, they “Oh My’ed”, they said “I could not go there unless you (me) were my guide”……..

The Sunday we were in NYC in November, we went to the Farmer’s market – where I took over 100 photographs. Here is one I loved so much, I kinda made a piece of art of it:

"peu pétunia à partir d'un patch de l'oignon" Translated to English is "Little petunia from an onion patch"

“peu pétunia à partir d’un patch de l’oignon”
Translated to English is “Little petunia from an onion patch”


I went to the web-site of The Famer’s Marker – Here is what I found:

Located in front of the Forest Hills Post Office, this neighborhood Greenmarket boasts a variety of locally grown, fresh products. Throughout the season, the market will offer free cooking demonstrations, kids activities, and the opportunity to mingle with neighbors, all while getting to know the regional farmers who grow your food. Come back each week to learn about the healthful and flavorful benefits of eating what is fresh and in season.

Farmers Market Queens 2016 November - The onions

Farmers Market Queens 2016 November – The onion’s roots and beet’s roots.

Community activities, cooking demonstrations and recipe exchanges will add to the diverse nature of this market.

Attending Year Round
American Pride Seafood 
Wild-caught fish and shellfish from Suffolk County, NY
Bread Alone Artisan breads, mostly certified Organic, and pastries from Ulster County, NY
Consider Bardwell Farm Animal Welfare Approved raw cow and goat milk cheeses, and wood-fired maple syrup from Rutland County, VT
Dipaola Turkey Farm Turkey from Mercer County, NJ
Divine Brine Pickled products and chutneys from Suffolk County, NY
Gajeski Produce Vegetables from Suffolk County, NY

Farmers Market Queens 2016 November - The texture of roots

Farmers Market Queens 2016 November – The texture of roots

Garden of Eve Certified Organic vegetables from Suffolk County, NY
Goodale Farms Vegetables and dairy from Suffolk County, NY
King Ferry Winery Wine from Cayuga County, NY
Red Jacket Orchards Orchard and small fruit, fresh juices and preserves from Ontario County, NY
Ronnybrook Farm Dairy milk, yogurt, butter and ice cream from Columbia County, NY
Terhune Orchards orchard fruit from Dutchess County, NY

Attending Winter Only
Nature’s Way Farm Honey & candles from Chemung County, NY

Attending Growing Season Only
Amantai Farm Vegetables, Mexican specialty produce, free-range poultry, honey, herbs, and eggs from Lehigh County, PA.

Farmers Market Queens 2016 November - Carrot roots!

Farmers Market Queens 2016 November – Carrot roots!

Andrew’s Local Honey Honey and honey products from Fairfield County, CT
B & Y Farms Animal Welfare Approved pork, lamb, poultry, eggs, and bison raised on certified organic feed and unsprayed hay and pasture, as well as flowers, yarn, and fleeces from Tioga County, NY
Blue Oyster Cultivation Mushrooms from Tompkins County, NY
Holy Schmitt’s LLC, Philip A Schmitt & Sons Farm Fresh and prepared horseradish from Nassau County, NY
Las Delicias Patisserie Baked goods from Bronx County, NY
Nolasco’s Farm Vegetables, Mexican specialty produce and herbs from Warren County, NJ
Sawkill Farm, Robertson Farms Vegetables, berries, eggs, and pork from Dutchess County, NY

Lara Bock, manager, owes it to the beautiful North Carolina for introducing her to farming, and local, healthy foods. There she studied History and Political Science at a farm school. She was surrounded by her farming friends, and eating locally from their farm and garden. Ever since then she has made it a practice to eat healthy, and support farming. It thrills her to continue this practice here, in the city where her roots are, in her native New York.

Love touring NYC with Camera - or iPhone camera

Love touring NYC with Camera – or iPhone camera

January 25, 2017 – Featuring my PhotoShop playing with texture – in what is call Camera Obscura.

Yesterday (click older posts at bottom of this page) I explained what Ido in Florida all day and how I taught a Photo Club  session on such things as Patterns and Texture in photography.

Three days ago, CBS Sunday Morning TV show just happened to do a segment on Abelardo Morell.  By utilizing a basic principle of optics once used by Renaissance artists like Canaletto and Vermeer, photographer Abelardo Morell builds a “camera obscura” with which to capture landscapes and architectural wonders.

From CBS Sunday Morning - As if looking thru the texture and pattern of floor boards.

From CBS Sunday Morning – As if looking thru the texture and pattern of floor boards.

From CBS Sunday Morning - As if looking thru the texture and pattern of floor boards.

From CBS Sunday Morning – As if looking thru the texture and pattern of a Paris curtain.


Well, I thought I would try my own version of “Camera Obscura” with PhotoShop

I started with this scene - droplets on a screen. Rain droplets from a storm - on our porch screen in The Great Outdoors Resort

I started with this scene – droplets on a screen. Rain droplets from a storm – on our porch screen in The Great Outdoors Resort

And I created this one.

And I created this one.

And digitally framed it.

And digitally framed it.


That is how I spent this morning’s private time – With PhotoShop, making and framing a photo!


Will CBS invite me to demonstrate – I doubt it – But if you are interested in learning to do this kind of stuff – Ask Jim Hennigar to put it on his education schedule – I will show you how I do it!

January 24, 2017 – What in the world do I do all day in Florida?

I enjoy being out and about – So, I use “taking photos” as my excuse to be out and about where ever I am. Always looking for photos of things that others may not notice.  I, also, enjoy reading many subjects  – most of my readings put me to sleep very early – HaHa!  

Since leaving the Island, I have been studying the the creation of inequality in Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, I been studying the six elements of design as applied to photography,  I been reading about the negotiation techniques used by the FBI, I have studied the returning soldier’s challenges of becoming a civilian and Governments role in that transition – see what I mean about sleep!

 Last week I even taught a 2 hour class on elements of design in photo composition. Two of those elements are “Patterns” and  “Texture” –

So, I checked my photo library.  Here a few “Pattern or Texture” photos I have taken. It was fun to pick them out  for you:

Fallen tree

Fallen tree

Mold on log

Mold on log

Tree bark

Tree bark

Fall cedar

Fall cedar

Wind on the Lake Heron

Wind on the Lake Heron

Red sky - Brooklyn fro the sky

Red sky – Brooklyn, NY City,  from the sky

Whitney storm from our reading room on the Island

Whitney Bay storm from our reading room on the Island

Rain droplets from a storm - on our porch screen in The Great Outdoors Resort

Rain droplets from a storm – on our porch screen in The Great Outdoors Resort

Patterns in motion

Patterns in motion


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