CategoryJim’s Daily

This is my third attempt retirement Digital Art (See previous posting for attempt 1 and 2. – with Gloria’s help. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Digital art is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as an essential part of the creative or presentation process. Since the 1970s, various names have been used to describe the process including computer art and multimedia art, and digital art is itself placed under the larger umbrella term new media art.

“Daydreaming – A Call To My Family” The Icelandic horse is a breed of horse developed in Iceland. Although the horses are small (around 14 hands), registries for the Icelandic refer to it as a horse (I been told there is no noun for pony in Icelandic) . In 982 AD the Icelandic Althing (parliament) passed laws prohibiting the importation of horses into Iceland and exported animals are not allowed to return. The breed has now been bred pure for more than 1,000 years. The Icelandic displays two gaits in addition to the typical walk, trot, and canter/gallop commonly displayed by other breeds. – Smooth ride – Great for old folks like me!!!

Where there’s smoke there is fire or Where there’s a bear tract there is a bear!! Saw the track on our trail ride but missed the bear.

On the ferry – navigated up the ramp – between a boat load! of cars – do those light make that look like a appropriate tow vehicle!!

From our dock, we often saw freighters like this heading for the Soo, Duluth, or thru the Straights, or on to the Ocean – or points in-between.

It has been said “Where the mind goes the body will follow” —1,000 feet back is the other end of this freighter – heading to the Duluth with the front end of course.

Beautiful trail – this is Sue on her mount – sometime the trail is wide, sometimes both legs and head were scrapping trees at the same time – but with these mounts we enjoyed it all.

Here we see cool and drizzle golf – one can tell by the golf cloths! – notice the road on the middle right!

OOPS! -not only is the weather unique on Drummond golf courses – that is not a road – it is a run-way big enough to handle twin jets owned by some wealthy visitors (and owners)- but notice after hole 3 we must cross an active run-way to get to hole 4!!! – So, two carts wait at the stop sign while a student pilot does a take-off while doing touch and goes. Pilot has the right-of-way, by law!!! and I must say by my version of common sense too!!

Oh, before I go and before this rig goes – chores must be done – Guess what Sue is doing inside – Did you ever move? — I mean every week or so? — if you have never been responsible for such a rig you may not relate to these chores – but if you have been responsible for one – YOU KNOW!!!

Another OOPS, on Drummond we see strange puppets and stranger puppeteers in the sky – or is it only in my mind – maybe you can see it too – then it will be in your mind! Welcome to Drummond – it is a little different but very enjoyable!

It would not surprise me to see this guy on Drummond because he is just a little different – but, then so am I!

Way back – before I was born – folks built wheels for ? this is a hub and part of the wheel – would not fit my pick-up truck – Well, I really did not try it! But, I do not think it ran on the ground anyway – so, what do you think it is?

Now, see what a professional gardner can do – I December this garden looks better then my July garden!

Often worked here – was not old or on vacation then – I do not remember the sidewalk artwork then – maybe I was focused on the demands of IBM then!

I ask this gentleman why he came out on such a cold day and played the instrument – he had no bucked for donations – “Because I love to come out here” was his reply – then he got into to details of his teaching career – I think he came out here to find people like me who would listen to his story!

Why -In this case make a few bucks! — But I listened and gave a few bucks – Why because I love the folks of Central Park in the winter – in the summer too!

Please do not remove the horses from Central Park – they are not abused – they are required to be given a vacation in VT, I think it is, each year – sheltered in warm barns. They get petted all day long – feed and watered all day long – Perla would love it – and the “Animal right people” watch with ever increasing focus – looking for abuse so they can replace horses with an electric buggy????

I stood “HERE” and smiled! Who ever used the chalk that day made me happy – a smile an hour is important

When you get there – enjoy old age – but do not wait – Jump rope now and enjoy your vacations now – Much better, enjoy the next hour, day week, month ……… smile while you:- take a photo – study an art piece – play a sport – exercise – talk to animals – walk and talk with a friend – study folks doing what they do – savor a new taste – wonder at a new sight – ride a new vehicle – learn a new skill – listen and see a story – Most of all we try to make it a worry free fun experience.

I was thinking – the Cell phone (Cell Camera) helps us feel like family – even though we are often hundreds of miles apart now days. Not like when I grew up. I was born and lived my first 20 years in the foreground farm – my GrandParents lived in the farm in the upper left – Two of my aunts and uncles lived in two houses on the farm not shown – just that far to the right. They all taught me in one grade or another throughout my 12 years of public school. Cell phone not needed – we were there!

The special staff member, our grand daughter – I think she is saying “Oh Mother, you embarrass me” – with the cell phone photo – we were there

Dyna the dog got a real friend – Our Grandson is a computer game wiz and guess who he takes a break with – Dyna – to me this is a picture of true enjoyment – with the cell phone photo – we were there

Vacations to an East Coast Island are happy family times – You can tell by this smile – with the cell phone photo – we were there

“To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.”
said by Barbara Bush
“Between hugs – try a digital photograph – a photograph, to your family, each day would not be too many! Help them be there!” said by Me
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