CategoryJim’s Daily

July 20, 2016 – Communicating without words

The Neanderthal may not have had the ability for complex speech like the Cro Magon (The ancestors of Homo sapiens) – us folks. So, how did they communicate? Maybe the answer is more like dogs and horses – through extensive use of their eyes.

Therefore, we photographers and artists are sort of Neanderthal – we communicate with images!!! Quiet – not like a Rock Band!

May I come in?

May I come in?

When I trained Dyna Mite the first thing I taught her was “Watch Me.”  When we did agility competition – each course is unique and you must communicate with your dog-partner to tell them which obstacle  to do next. I could run a new course with Dyna without saying a word – we communicated through my body language – she watched me. 10 years later she still watched people a lot!

Watching and body language

Watching and body language

Watching - for food most likely but still communication with body language

Watching – for food most likely but still communication with body language

I like this photo - voiceless communication!

I like this photo – voiceless communication!

I love you without a word spoken!

Saying, I love you without a word spoken!

July 15, 2016 – In Honor and Memory of Dyna

We come before God this day in sadness. Dyna, (Conquest Dyna Mite) our beloved Cardigan Corgi, who brought us so much joy in life, has now died. Dyna’s happy times in our family’s embrace have come to an end. We miss Dyna and will miss her for a long time. She brought joy to our family for nearly 17 years –

  1. She Joined us on our Texas ranch right after the new year 2000. On the ranch she partnered with deer, herded cow’s, helped as my teacher’s assistant in dog obedience class. – and of course an ever present partner to me as I tended cows, mended fence, or sat in my office working late at night.

    On the Texas ranch

    On the Texas ranch, Dyna partnered with all animals – They were her friends. She played with them, she lay down beside them, they were friends.  I believe the deer chose to live around our house because their friend Dyna lived there.  That is the kind of dog Dyna was!!!

  2. In Florida she brought the crowd to laughter as she took a bow of apology after missing the entrance to a tunnel in dog agility competition. “Oh, no Dyna” – the crowd shouted.
  3. In Texas and Florida, she was my teacher assistant in dog agility class. – she was competitive winner in both obedience and agility – winning top levels in each.

    Any deeper snow and she had trouble - short legs

    Any deeper snow and she had trouble – short legs

  4. On Block Isand, Rhode Island she was ex-rayed at the clinic and found to be with child(s), and delivered four beautiful puppies in the back of a station wagon while returning to her Texas ranch home.
  5. In New Jersey, she became a service dog for two handlers (Heather and Me).

    A friend to all humans and animals

    A friend to all humans and animals

  6. In new Jersey she became a member of my daughter Heather’s family. A family with two growing children, two other dogs, one cat, gerbils, birds, and animals I am not aware of – and she became a legend at the Vet office that helped her live such a full life, she was a legend at the St Hubbert’s Animal welfare Center where she got her Service Animal degree. She was a legend at the family dinner table, at wiener roasts, at school functions, at the lake house – You know – she was a legend everywhere the family went – Dyna was famous – why?   Because of the loving life my daughter’s family gave Dyna – She was one of the family to each of them – and of course, because Dyna had a special personality to start with and a special DNA makeup like no other dog!

    At nearly 16 years old - still bright eyes that loved all of life around her

    At nearly 16 years old – still bright eyes that loved all of life around her

  7. We miss you Dyna!.

July 11, 2016 – My life today – I am back to the “Farm Routine”

Sixty Five years ago, when I was 15, I lived a farm routine.  Now my friend has drawn me back into the idea of the farm routine. It goes sort of like this:

6:00am get out of bed check the weather, read the headlines, have a cup of coffee.

7:00am check the health of each animal, clean out the barn of all of last night animal manure – throw it onto the manure pile – get the hay needed from the the hay pile

8:00 am milk the cows (at 15 years of age) –  curry, massage, and train the horses (at 80 years of age).

Training Perla to let me squirm around on her bare back doing things like taking photos of my shadow while trotting down the lane!!!

Training Perla to let me squirm around on her bare back doing things like taking photos of my shadow while trotting down the lane!!!

9:30am feed the animals hay or take them out to pasture to feed on grass.

10:00am into house to wash hands, and have breakfast

10:30am do the chores of the season. (At 15 go to church on Sunday)  Weekdays, at age 15 make hay, cut wheat, maintain farm equipment, fences, buildings, thrash grain, etc. At age 80, maintain lawn equipment, maintain fence (to keep deer out of garden), maintain computer software, up-date web site for Photo Club and myself, do banking/finances on the computer………mow grass, wash cars, weed gardens, clear trash from wooded area, wash windows, work on boat dock, …..

1:00pm – At 15 – have dinner, at 80 – have lunch

4:00pm check the weather, have a snack

5:00pm check the health of each animal, clean out the barn and pasture of todays animal manure, throw it onto the manure pile – get the hay needed from the the hay pile

6:00 pm milk the cows (at 15 years of age) –  curry, massage, and train the horses (at 80 years of age).

7:00pm feed the animals hay or take them out to pasture to feed on grass.

7:30pm into house to wash hands, and have supper(at 15) – have dinner(at 80)

8:30pm Read and Sleep (no TV at age 15 – no TV at age 80)

We three mature folks doing three different training exercises - learning to lead, learning to drive, and learning to let me squirm around - all the while there are nice things to munch on along side the road, deer jump across the lane, - maybe even a coyote, bear, squirrel , grouse, etc - - these are three great horses and 2 great friends to be with.

We three mature folks doing three different training exercises – learning to lead, learning to drive, and learning to let me squirm around – all the while there are nice things to munch on along side the road, deer jump across the lane, – maybe even a coyote, bear, squirrel , grouse, etc – – these are three great horses and 2 great friends to be with.

Training to even deal with the modern steel horse that we must share the road with.

Training to even deal with the modern steel horse that we must share the road with.



July 10, 2016 – I love the outdoors

In Florida I live in a community called “The Great Outdoors” – In Michigan I live in an Island off the Upper Penisaula – It is the great outdoors and except while doing these web sites I live outdoors there.

Snakes always fascinate me – I seem to encounter them more often the most people -maybe ’cause I am always looking for them.

This is Butlers Garter snake - I laid in the grass with my camera - He/she came right up and looked in the lens - You can see what he thought of his own image in the lens!!!

This is Butlers Garter snake – I laid in the grass with my camera – He/she came right up and looked in the lens – You can see what he thought of his own reflected image in the lens!!!

Despite being legless, snakes inhabit most environments on earth. Deserts, oceans, forests, grasslands, lakes, rivers, marshes, mountains, farms, and cities – all are homes to some of the 2400 known species of snakes. Only 18 species are found in Michigan. I think the UP only has 4 species

The other one I found while riding my bike at 10:00pm – Yes, it is still light at 10:00 up here:

Looks a little like a Florida Pygmy Rattler - but not snake with poison up here - He/she is n Eastern Water Snake.

Looks a little like a Florida Pygmy Rattler – but no snake with poison up here – He/she is n Eastern Water Snake.

April 20, 2016 and Beyond:

I have been using all my time to build the web site for the TGO Photo Club in Titusville Florida. That site is Now I hope to bring, this, my own site active again.

I will add photos here and write notes about anything that crosses my mind that day –  Think I will select one photograph that I take each day, post it here, – then write a note to explain why that scene  prompted me to snap the shot. – We will see!

06 01 2016 daily IMG_0642-2Todays note: I love our Drummond home – each view is great. Gloria took this particular photo – This lilac is what we see out our front window – to our west-  each day from early June to early July.  I feed it, weed under it, spray it with deer-off (terrible smelling stuff- I think it is fermented wolf pee),  deadhead it, trim it, wrap it in burlap in winter to protect from -40 degree wind, I talk to it – God produces this beauty for us –  and finely I digitally oil painted it – Hope you enjoy it as much a I do!!!

February 20, 2016 – Grandpa was a School Master in a one room school house – he walked only a half mile to school – this was in 1900 – This month 116 years ago his diary says “Scrubbed schoolroom after school – Chopped down tree in evening – with horses hauled posts to barn – coldest day of winter -11 degrees.” While sitting at my computer this morning, in Florida, at now 70 degrees and making surreal photos of my life, while Trump is screaming on TV about the Government not unlocking Apple iPhone code I can not help but wonder if Grandpa and I could ever look at the “Meaning-of-Life” in the same way?

Perla stops munching grass to ponder fake deer - just for fun Jim and Sue are reflected in the horses eye in the sky -a reflection of them in their RV.

Perla stops munching grass to ponder fake deer – just for fun Jim and Sue are reflected in the horses eye in the sky -a reflection of them in their RV.

I will re-read Grandpa's diary - just to ponder life 115 yeas ago - I'll keep you informed of my findings

I will re-read Grandpa’s diary – just to ponder life 115 yeas ago – I’ll keep you informed of my findings

February 18, 2016 – Found this little kid learning by experiment – Hope it is just water squirting into his face – Retirement life consists of things like “learning new things” too – Since a bus does not come by to take us to school we have to learn by trial and error — Attempting to achieve a satisfactory result by testing and eliminating various methods until the best one is found. So I thought I would show you some of my artistic trail and errors. I study them to see if they adhere to published statements of “Art Evaluation” elements. Being married to an artist – I have access to evaluation any time I ask.

I hope a learn a little each day - I this case I started creating a multi photo with this photo - then I show you a bunch of photos I used or studied.

I hope to learn a little each day – In this case I started creating a multi photo starting with this photo – I will show you some of my studies and trial and errors.

made it like an eye ball

made it like an eye ball

studied eyes

studied eyes

studied more eyes

studied more eyes

maybe need a curved road under the arch?

maybe need to study a curved road under the arch?

too blue

too blue


maybe a little eye lash?

so far this what I did - guess I need to learn more - Maybe tomorrow!

so far this is what I did – guess I need to learn more – Maybe tomorrow!

laugh a lot

laugh a lot

February 17, 2016 – We live in Hidden Lakes in the community of “The Great Outdoors” – in Titusville, FL – I spend a lot of time outdoors, walking, biking, photographing, and goofing around – Them I come home and create things I pondered and not reality – Unlike Trump, I did not create a “Reality Show” – I guess like surreal “art”.

Here is the reflection of the entrance in my eye - but note "The Great Outdoors" is only oriented correctly in my eye

Here is the reflection of the entrance in my eye – but note “The Great Outdoors” is only oriented correctly in my eye

Do you know why my mind wanted to turn the orientation of the words correctly only in the  reflection in my eye?  Think about it!!!

Do you know why my mind wanted to turn the orientation of the words correctly only in the reflection in my eye? Think about it!!!

February 15, 2016 – I go a biking every day – some times I stop to ponder what is and what I think is – Here is my bike – sitting by the entrance to our housing development called “Hidden Lakes” – So, I pondered in my mind how I could make one photo from several photographs I took of our house and the development and the sky and the birds. Why did I do that? I do not know? I think maybe just for the fun it – the fun of playing around on the computer.


By the gate.

By the gate.

From the camera, to my mind, to my computer, to you!

From the camera, to my mind, to my computer, to you!

The birds song hear it?

The bird’s song – hear it?

February 8, 2016 – Super Bowl – I really enjoyed watching the game. – Given the strengths, weakness, and statistics of performance – I kept trying to predict what play would be sent to the field next and I wondered who made that decision – it had to be made quickly. But, what do you think of the songs at halftime? Fun to watch, but, my ears and my brain’s age do not let me fully comprehend it all. How ’bout you all? Anyway I decided to create my own version of halftime (noontime) in our backyard pond!

An American Idiom: If you have to sing for your supper, you have to work to get the item you want to purchase. "Sing for Your Supper" is an American popular song by composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Lorenz Hart. The song was debuted in their 1938 Broadway musical The Boys from Syracuse, The lyrics describe a singer performing to earn his meals. The song has been recorded by Rudy Vallée, Count Basie, Mel Tormé, Helen Humes, the Mamas & the Papas and Cher. One verses Lyrics: Sing for your supper And you'll get breakfast Songbirds always eat If their song is sweet to hear

An American Idiom: If you have to sing for your supper, you have to work to get the item you want to purchase.
“Sing for Your Supper” is an American popular song by composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Lorenz Hart. The song was debuted in their 1938 Broadway musical “The Boys from Syracuse”, The lyrics describe a singer performing to earn his meals. The song has been recorded by Rudy Vallée, Count Basie, Mel Tormé, Helen Humes, the Mamas & the Papas and Cher.
One verses Lyrics:
Sing for your supper
And you’ll get breakfast
Songbirds always eat
If their song is sweet to hear

Was it not a great invention to put music radios in cars! Young Duds crank theirs up so loud it vibrates my car when I sit next to them at a traffic light - I crank mine up because I do not hear so well anymore!

Was it not a great invention to put music radios in cars? Young Duds crank theirs up so loud it vibrates my car when I sit next to them at a traffic light – I crank mine up because I do not hear so well anymore! I guess, the folks in middle age just have to put up with us young and us old folks.

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