
December 28, 2022 -Featuring Dave Cesari – Look at the birds in the storm. – They are glad Dave feeds them – lot easier then digging!

Dave wrote:  Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. These were all shot yesterday during our heavy snow storm. Male and female Cardinals a White-throated Sparrow and an Evening Grosbeak. NY state has been hit hard with snow this season. We have about a foot of snow on the ground but 1/2 to 3/4  hour north they have 4 feet on the ground. Dave

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

12 28 2022 Dave Cesari

As you swing through life, enjoy all the weather offered to you – if I am safe, weather is my number one joy – I love to watch it from my “picture” window – sheets of rain, snow, sleet, wind, and of course super hot sunshine if the AC is working!

December 20, 2022 – It has been cool and rainy today, so I played around on my computer. Read on:

I tried something new with PhotoShop. Thought I would share the idea I had and my first try at it.

I took my High School senior photo and a selfy photo which I snapped yesterday, merged them together in PhotoShop, and created a video with PhotoStage.

The left is the original selfie. The right is a black & white of it. The age is in the upper left of the Black & white.

You can see me from age17 to age 100 and back again in less then a minute. Haha! Hey, my age is shown in upper left. Click the start video triangle.

As you swing through life, keep the Christmas Spirit in your life all year long and be glad you are aging. The alternative is not desirable!


December 17, 2022 – Featuring Dave Cesari and a Hawk with it’s breakfast & Some Photo-Art from my Christmas Parade photos

Dave was sensitive to the fact that some may be uncomfortable watching a hawk capture and feed on a bird.

Therefore, I posted three Photo-Art images, which I made from Christmas Parade  photos, first.   View them, then, you can read Dave’s information about the hawk and choose to not scroll down over the photos of the hawk feeding.

Merry Christmas as Rudolph pulls the Christmas tree from the back of the Nature Center’s parade-decorated golf cart.

Merry Christmas as these two set a happy tone for the parade and in fact the whole season!

Merry Christmas as Santa really sets the tone of joy – and maybe a little surprise, seeing the two behind him!


As you swing through life, keep the Christmas Spirit in your soul – Smile and wave “Merry Christmas” to your neighbor all year long.  They may think you are nuts but I bet they will smile back!.


DAVE WROTE:  Hi Jim, Here are a few pictures for the blog. We had a heavy snow storm today. As it was winding down we had an immature Sharp-shinned Hawk capture a Morning Dove in our back yard this afternoon. The hawk plucked and fed on the dove for 45 minutes or so. Great opportunity to photograph the action. Sharp-shins are a member of the accipiter family. They are primarily bird hunters. I know some people get upset when a hawk gets a bird from around the bird feeders. Well hawks have to eat too. We love having any hawks around our yard. Dave

12 17 2022 Dave Cesari

12 17 2022 Dave Cesari

12 17 2022 Dave Cesari


December 12 – Featuring Dave Cesari giving us a little insight to the crow we often see! and my honor to Sandy and our Nature Center.

Dave wrote:  Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Cold here 16 degrees F. Ground is bare but we are supposed to get snow tonight and all day tomorrow. Oh well it is time for snow here in Rome, NY. I was out and about yesterday found some Crows that were quite tolerant. This is the American Crow not the Fish Crow that you have in Florida.   Dave

12 12 2022 Dave Cesari

12 12 2022 Dave Cesari

12 12 2022 Dave Cesari

12 12 2022 Dave Cesari

TheTGO  Nature Center had a golf cart in the Christmas Parade.  I went to the Manor Lot as 50 or so carts gathered to begin the parade.  Of course, I was there with my iphone camera and took hundreds of photos, mostly to practice using the video feature. But I was prompted to make-up a photo to honor our TGO Nature Center and Sandy, using some of the snapshots that I took at the parade gathering:

Santa and the raccoon deliver presents offered to Sandy by the TGO Wildlife

As you swing through life, keep the Christmas Spirit in your soul and your deeds all year long!

December 8, 2022 – Featuring just me – first at the Mall then having breakfast in my back porch.

As I “Street Photographed” in the mall I came to this store front – I was not sure what products this store sold. Can you tell?

As I dozed after lunch my dreams saw that this bird had a “Life Altering” decision to make.

As you swing through life, snap some street photographs that give you a chance to stop and wonder what you might have seen – or thought you saw or dreamed you saw!

November 22, 2022 – Dave Cesari with birds, story of snow, and me with story of “Who done it?”

Dave wrote:  Hi Jim, Winter has arrived here in Rome,NY. The first shot is out our front window during yesterday’s storm. We have 14 or 15 inches  of snow on the level. The feeders are very busy with the snow covered ground. Fox Sparrows and a Carolina Wren. Supposed to warm up this week so hopefully it will knock down some of this snow.  Dave

Dave Cesari 11 22 2022

Dave Cesari 11 22 2022

Dave Cesari 11 22 2022

Dave Cesari 11 22 2022

Dave Cesari 11 22 2022


Yesterday, I took the photo on the left to tell you the story about where the frog, that I posted a picture of previously, was hiding when I took the hangings down for the hurricane. BUT, this morning a new story was staring me in the face. So, I put three photos together to tell you this morning’s story!

I think the deer watched too many kids sitting in front of an empty cake pan on Americana’s Funnest Home Videos!

As you swing through life, enjoy all happenings – it is great having The Great Outdoors around us – the flowers can easily be replaced!

November 20, 2022 – I liked the look of this little guy

You can link to a previous posting by Dave Cesari by clicking on the top item in the menu in the left-hand column.

A macro view of a frog I found behind a wall hanging I had on the outside wall of our front porch

He/she hopped under a flower pot after this shot

As you swing through life, enjoy the up-close small things

November 17, 2022 – Featuring Dave Cesari – Plus His comment about the snow fall triggered a photo story in my mind.

Dave wrote:  Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog.We  got one inch of snow here last night. These were at my feeders before the snow came. A Fox Sparrow, a Goldfinch, a Morning Dove, a Cardinal, a Chickadee and a Red-bellied Woodpecker.  Dave

11 17 2022 Dave Cesaei

11 17 2022 Dave Cesaei

11 17 2022 Dave Cesaei

11 17 2022 Dave Cesaei

11 17 2022 Dave Cesaei

11 17 2022 Dave Cesaei


Another kind of photography I enjoy is taking or making photos to support a story.  Today my story is simple and obvious.  I have lived in a number of states, and spent months working many places, including some foreign countries. So, people ask, “How did you come to live your current winters in Florida?”

I used my phone camera in my front lawn, a remote live stream camera at the Drummond Ferry Dock, and a National news source reporting on my home towns in Pennsylvania for these four photos.  The story that answers the question about me living in Florida is in the four-photo-image below:

The title of the story is  “Mow or Snow

As you swing through life, have fun watching your birds at the feeder and share your photo story.

November 15, 2022 – May I ask you to think about the many kinds of photography our hobby of photography offer!

There are so many kinds of photography – Don’t forget the Club starts to meet again in December. It will be a great opportunity to share your photos – what ever kind they are.   

Dave Cesari posts some of the most wonderful photos of birds here often.  If you want to share any of your  photos here, contact me and I bet we can make it happen.

Three of my many kinds pf photography are flowers, horses, and photo art. I used these two flowers and a single frame from a horse show video to create the photo art.

Flower #1

Flower #2

Single frame from video showing riding performance at a youth horse show

The result of a fun day I had with PhotoShop creating this piece of art work using only the three photos.

As you swing through life, share your photos regardless of their kind or their quality – just as long as you had fun taking or making them.

November 13, 2022 – Why be a photographer? – Come to the photo club meeting on first Friday in December – read on:

I have talked with those who judge photographs for the Professional Photographers of America’s International Photographic Competitions. They gave me a document explaining the “The Twelve Elements of a Merit Image” that they all are required to use: 1. Impact, 2. Technical Excellence  3. Creativity  4. Style  5 Composition 6.Presentation  7. Color Balance  8. Center of Interest  9. Lighting  10. Subject Matter  11. Technique  12. Story Telling.

Now that we have cell phone cameras, we are all professional photographers. Most of us are not professionals at photography but we are professionals at our life. We use our cameral to bring fun to what ever we do in our profession of living and not to win an International Photograph Contest.

The Happenings says the Photo Club will be meeting on the first Friday in December. There is no better place to share, learn, and meet photographer birds-of-a-feather who help each other.  So, the purpose of my rambling here is to say:” I want you to be at that meeting.”

But, for right now,  think about why you grab that camera or cell phone while doing your own personal (professional) living.    For sure, I want you to have the confidence to use your photos regardless of how they stack up to the 12 elements of merit.

Believe me, I want to make better photos but really their “contestant” merit quality is not what matters to me. I just want to make you stop and look at what I saw – maybe ponder the same story & emotion (element 12) that I did when I took the photo – or cause you to see the event I saw and make up your own story.  So now you know why I grabbed the camera.  I would love to get together with others that grab theirs for the same reason (photographer birds-of-my-feather) and I  hope to see you at the Photo Club meeting.

Here are two photos I grabbed from my thousands of photos:

On the streets of NJ, this man caught my attention – I assumed he was was rushing to the Synagogue – maybe overslept – anyway he showed an image of importance and of being late – I watched and snapped a shot.

Again, NJ, I spent an afternoon at a youth horse show. Love horses and horse people – the audience.  I snapped this shot  to show how many were on cell phones (Back row) – but I caught another story – “Is that golden hair the man’s pony tail or is the a youthful girl between me and the man??” -I am still not sure.

As you swing through life, use your photos, share with all and talk about them with  birds-of-a-feather.  Come to the Photo Club meetings.

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