
July 12, 2023 – See again some of Dave’s great bird photographs and see some crazy photos after my most recent NYC experience. Oh My!

Dave Wrote: HI Jim,  I haven’t sent you any pictures in a while. It is full summer here in Rome, NY. 85 degrees F. and very humid today. Here are some shots of a male Chestnut-sided Warbler I took last week. Things have slowed way down both birding and bird photography. The Peregrine Falcons in the city of Utica had another successful nesting again. I have been shooting them and will send you some pictures of them.    Dave

07 12 2023 Dave Cesari

07 12 2023 Dave Cesari

07 12 2023 Dave Cesari

07 12 2023 Dave Cesari

07 12 2023 Dave Cesari

JIM WROTE:  I went with Gloria to numerous art galleries and art museums in New York City during the last 7 days.  We saw all forms of art from line drawings to portraits to art of the great masters to abstract art to……. whatever.  Gloria arranged for a 2 hour class at the Metropolitan Museum of Art – it was called Plein Air Painting.  They told me Plein Air painting is when an artist leaves their studio and goes outside to draw/paint the landscape they see.  Well, I am not an artist but I got invited anyway and I went on the Plein Air event in Central Park for two hours and here is a photograph of what I painted – Yikes  – I did better when I was in first grade but it was a fun challenge:

My Plein Air result

Then I took the above photo of my Pein Air painting to PhotoShop!!! – I gave each result a name:

“Light thru the tree”

“The Escapee”

“The Eye”


“Oh MY”

As you swing through life, and you do not know what you are doing – enjoy it – like I did at the Plein Air experience.

June 19, 2023 – Featuring Dave’s birds and my red – not sure what I mean about “red”, well read on:

Dave wrote:  Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. It has been a slow season here in the Rome, NY area due to the decline in the overall bird population. Here are a few warbler pictures. A male Common Yellowthroat and a male and female Yellow Warbler. Dave

06 19 2023 Dave Cesari

06 19 2023 Dave Cesari

06 19 2023 Dave Cesari

06 19 2023 Dave Cesari

06 19 2023 Dave Cesari

06 19 2023 Dave Cesari

06 18 2023 DAVE


Tones of yellow but without that splash of red, that God put there, he is boring.

I photoed this hopper yesterday and I saw yellow BUT why did God put that splash of red there? – I was prompted to scan my photo library looking for red – Oh my, shades of red are everywhere – I’ll show you just a few:

In an Orlando art store

TGO Christmas parade

My Drummond Island rose garden

Somewhere in TGO

TGO light pole base – I think it was anyway.

TGO dog

Hilton hotel lobby painting

Dreary winter day in Windber, Pennsypvania

One of two barns on the Brubaker family compound of my youth

The other barn of my youth

Back to TGO – A gator loving red flowers


Finally  – Have you ever had breakfast at “The Shore”?    That is a New Jersey thing to do – See the waiter’s pony-tail even has a red tie.

As you swing through life, remember the emotion triggered by a view is influenced by light and color – maybe that is what made you smile or cry or long for the past when you were digging thru your old photos.

June 15, 2023 – First 3 bird photos as shot – then several sky double-photos – first of the double-photos is as shot – the second is as I saw it.

The blur of his tail feathers shows this birds rudder control – I took us humans a long time to figure out the science of flight control.

Big rain drops and plants frame the bird

The nose. See the science of digging for food.  You can tell how deep he digs.

The Camera saw

I saw

The camera saw

I saw

The camera saw

I saw

The camera saw

I saw

As you swing through life, enjoy nature as the camera sees it – then allow yourself the time to daydream and see what you can see – it is fun to do that!

June 7, 2023 – Nature is incredible – take a look:

Nature as I saw it in the last day or two here in TGO – well all but the first photo – my Granddaughter took it in NYC.

Smoke from wildfires in Canada. 

Are they talking about keeping off the grass in the lawn?

A storm out my back door.

Same storm – just a close-up to see the big drops.

Hardy tree on Plantation Drive growing horizontally. I think it was pushed over in a past hurricane.

Mom says “Come on. Stay up with me – You have seen people before.”

Beauty of the pattern of this moth on my chair’s arm?

I think he is evaluating my golf practice swing.

As you swing through life, enjoy nature and stop to take a photo so that you can look at it again – from you evening chair.

June, 3, 2023 – Nature is magic – some is tangible and some is only in my mind – take a look!

For some reason God gave me the beautiful ability to see things others might not catch.  Every scene in nature I wonder-  why the tree has bark like that, why the bird has red eyes, why, why.  Then sometimes the things I see only pass through my mind as walk or ride on reflecting – Like a strange dream the image might make no sense – but like a dream I enjoy the images.  I will show you a few examples just for fun:

The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors –  Now we know why he/she crossed the road!

The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors

As you swing through life smile at the things of nature.

May 21, 2023 – Featuring Dave’s Warblers and my photos of daily things of life!

Dave Wrote:   Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. The warbler family is my favorite family of birds. The Canada Warbler is one of my favorites in the warbler family. Here are some pictures of a Canada Warbler I took yesterday.A beautiful bird.  Dave

05 21 2023 Dave Cesari

05 21 2023 Dave Cesari

05 21 2023 Dave Cesari

05 21 2023 Dave Cesari

05 21 2023 Dave Cesari

05 21 2023 Dave Cesari

You know  I see many many things of life that for some reason I just have to grab my camera and snap it.  Then in my quiet time, days later, I bring those snapshots up on my computer and enjoy what I saw.

See if you enjoy these.  Now the deer is not PhotoShopped into the bed of that truck – it was really there, maybe the deer just needed a ride.  The rainbow colors, the reflected sky, the floatation, the alligator were all in the view I saw from the bridge. “Loving thyself rocks” was just an interesting name for a business – so I had to snap it. I adjusted my eyes correctly and I saw the car in front of the motor home as being painted with a pattern.  Anyway, each of these are what I call loving life photographs – I see many each day – I think my phone has 20,000 such images.

05 21 2023 Jim Brubaker

05 21 2023 Jim Brubaker

05 21 2023 Jim Brubaker

05 21 2023 Jim Brubaker

05 21 2023 Jim Brubaker

05 21 2023 Jim Brubaker

05 21 2023 Jim Brubaker

As you swing through life smile at the things of life – maybe even laugh out loud. Then, grab your phone and snap a view for your own enjoyment during one of your quiet times in the future.

May 15, 2023 – Featuring Dave’s being into birding and bird photography and a few of my snapshots of nature and my thoughts at the time I snapped them.

Dave Wrote:  Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. The spring migration here in the Rome, NY area is just about non- existent. The neo-tropical insectivores are almost gone. They are the warblers,tanagers. thrushes and orioles. For someone like me who is really into birding and bird photography it is very depressing.Here are some pictures of birds at my feeder set up. That is about the only area where we are seeing any birds. Dave

05 15 2023 Dave Cesari

05 15 2023 Dave Cesari

05 15 2023 Dave Cesari

05 15 2023 Dave Cesari

05 15 2023 Dave Cesari

05 15 2023 Dave Cesari  

The Great Outdoors is a great place to see animals – some very wild and some sort-of used to people.  I do send this message to you – enjoy them but be careful.  Keep the Great Outdoors the Great Outdoors as long as we can.

Now days I have time to go out and about to look for animals.  I often use my iPhone camera to snap what I see.  Here are three snapshots:

I love snakes. I was thinking this is one of the most beautiful Pygmies I have ever seen – shinny, as large as I have seen, and tail rattling just like a Rattler should do.  I was also thinking, “Why did he take off like a Racer as I jumped off my bike? Most often they do not move so rapidly.”

I am afraid I did not respect this guys space as I should have. I walked up to him, talking all the while as if I was talking to a human – “How has your day been? Did you find some good food for lunch?”  He/she looked at me as if we were old friends. As you can see by its posture, now, I was invading its  space.  Off it flew – in disgust with me, I am sure. But I enjoy watching any bird in flight – it is a mystery to me how they can fly.

Did not have to go far to see this.  WOW – Three good sized gators right off my back porch! I wonder what each of these four animals were thinking – I am sure they each knew of the whereabouts of the other three. I think the bird on the far shore was singing “Praise the Lord, I saw the Gators” – It flew off shortly after I snapped this photo.

As you swing through life, be with nature,  enjoy nature, and be careful – Maybe try to think about what the animal is thinking.

May 3, 2023 – Featuring Dave’s Wood Duck – Beautiful bird, beautiful photos, and Some of my spring sightings – not all are beautiful!

Dave wrote:  Hi Jim, It has been a cold wet spring here in upstate NY. I haven’t been out in my blind to photograph Wood Ducks very much. It has been mostly dark and wet. I did get out a few times when we had some sun. Here are a few shots of Woodies plus a shot of the permanent blind we built  a few years ago on one of the ponds behind our property.  Dave

05 03 3023 Dave Cesari

05 03 3023 Dave Cesari

05 03 3023 Dave Cesari

05 03 3023 Dave Cesari

05 03 3023 Dave Cesari

05 03 3023 Dave Cesari

You know, Spring is my favorite time of year.  I try to spend hours outside where ever I may be.  In Florida it harder to know when spring starts and winter ends than many places I hav been in spring, but  plants and the animals  knows when it is spring.

Plants show flowers, grass is growing , and animals are out and about.  I captured, with my iphone camera, a few of the many I see each day. Not all are as artistically beautiful as the Wood Duck but they are all fun to see and enjoy:

CURIOUS – I see you, you see me – sounds like a country western song title

DINNER – This rushing run-off water is this birds  fishing ground – all day long he/she is there – I did not weigh it but I bet it gained a few pounds.

CURIOUS – Why do they grow in circles?

FRESH – A composition of contrasts in shapes and color.

GRACE – Nest time you see one of these, watch them slide across the road, study not the snake but study it’s movements – Should be a Broadway Show of dancers – Pure grace

THESE TWO DIFFERENT ANIMALS ARE A VIEW OF PRE-HISTORY – You might say they are ugly – but I love to watch their determination to get where ever it is they are heading for. Only they know where that is maybe they are  just out sightseeing, maybe looking for food, maybe looking for a partner, maybe I do not know!

PRETTY – Just a baby and I think it is pretty

NOT A BABY,- HUNGRY, ANGRY, MEAN – I do not know which. Only he/she knows – BUT IF YOU ARE IN GATOR COUNTRY,  BE CAREFUL – STAY AWAY FROM THEM – THEY ARE FAST AND IF ONE GETS HOLD OF YOU THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO GET AWAY – DONATE TO HIM THE  ARM OR LEG HE GRABBED!   This smaller gator was swimming around not long before I snapped this photo.  Then the fight began. As you can see he no longer is swimming around  and he did give up a leg to no avail.  Sorry I had to insert such a gruesome photo.  I wanted to enhance your view of the natural world in order to encourage you to be careful.

As you swing through life, enjoy nature, be careful, and remember animals live by different rules than we do.

April 17, 2024 – Featuring Dave Cesari’s Secretive bird and a “What is it” photo by Me

Dave wrote:  Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Spring has gotten here in upstate NY. We went to a big swamp near where we live. We had an American Bittern come out.  Here are a few shots. Bitterns are very secrative and hard to see. We feel lucky to see and photograph one. Many birders never do see one. We know where we can find them with a little luck.  Dave

04 17 2023 Dave Cesari

04 17 2023 Dave Cesari

04 17 2023 Dave Cesari

04 17 2023 Dave Cesari

I took a photo of a thistle with dew and here is what I got

April view

As you swing through life, add a passion for birds, wild animals and add time to step up to your window or go outside and study them and where they live – study their secret hideaway

April 7, 2023 Featuring Dave Cesari and this time a special photo by Grand Daughter Kay.

Dave Wrote:  Hi Jim, here are some pictures for the blog. We have a Bald Eagle’s nest 3 or 4 miles from where we live. Here  are  some pictures of both the male and female at the nest. The female seems to be sitting on eggs. The male is usually somewhere near by.  The last picture is by our grand daughter who we just set up with a camera and lens.  She is so excited she can hardly stand it. That is the fun of being a grand parent. Dave

04 07 2023 DAVE CESARI

04 07 2023 DAVE CESARI

04 07 2023 DAVE CESARI

04 07 2023 DAVE CESARI

04 07 2023 KAY

As you swing through life, enjoy sharing your activities with a young person – then smile as you drift off to sleep – knowing it was a job well done.

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