Jim wrote: You can’t buy happiness but you can buy a boat. I had a number of “bay boats”, canoes, kayaks, sunfish, windsurfers. I can’t help but rub it into my family with a photo like this when I am boating in my open outboard, padding my canoe, or boating through the Gap at night in my Four Winns inboard/outboard. Actually, I used this photo to entice them to come visit and spend a week with me. I feel this photo belongs in a magazine sailing (selling) the good life idea.

Summer 2019.
Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Tundra Swans. They breed in the high Arctic and migrate thru NY state in the late fall. They stop on the larger lakes in NY on their way to the Chesapeak Bay area where they winter. Dave

12 10 2023 DAVE CESARI

12 10 2023 DAVE CESARI

12 10 2023 DAVE CESARI

12 10 2023 DAVE CESARI

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE – Snap some photos that will help you sell the message that you want family to visit you!