Dave Wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. We had some snow yesterday and our feeders were very active. We had a Brown Creeper show up at the feeders. Creepers are a small woodland bird. They do not feed on seeds so I guess it was after suet that I have put out. Here ar some pictures of the Brown Creeper. Dave

12 16 2023 Dave Cesari

12 16 2023 Dave Cesari

12 16 2023 Dave Cesari

12 16 2023 Dave Cesari
I WROTE: Today,I was testing various settings with my old Coolpix 510. On the left is a photo (at x42, aperture prioity f5.5, 1/13 sec, iso800) shot across the lake behind my house in the rain downpour. On the right is an abstract photo art I made using the photo on the left. That project was one of my rainy day enjoyments!

JEB 12 26 2023

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE – and it rains on your parade – enjoy the change of pace – grab the digital pen or the graphite pen and enjoy an hour