What is that a shadow of – You know it is me taking the photo with my i-phone – but what are the tracks in the dew and what is the shadow to my right? Scroll to bottom to find the answer.
Our little corral area is also a full hook-up campground used by family. Jim and Sue saw scenes like this, in the evening, after they pulled their trailer unto the pad in early August.
By the way – Sometimes after I update our Photo Club site I have no time to update my own site here, so use the link on the left to see some fun photos and some great talent from the TGO (The Great Outdoors) Camera Club.

Sunset over the little bay below the corral.

After a full meal we relax.

The answer: The tracks in the dew are the ones I put there as I pushed the horse poop cart. The Cart is used to haul poop from the barn to the poop piles. The poop stays there for two years. The piles are turned often. After that you have great garden compost! At the time of this photo, of course, I am on my way back to the barn – the cart is empty!
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