As I drive to tend Perla, I have one radio station – NPR – they said look skyward tonight – I did – but first I went to the internet to get pictures of what to see – I did – then I went out side and I saw it with my own eyes! WOW! I saw the battle between Mars and rival Antares!!!
From the internet: On Wednesday evening (Aug. 24) as darkness falls, check out the south-southwest sky to see an eye-catching planetary/stellar lineup consisting of three radiant points of light: two bright planets and one of the brightest and most colorful stars in the sky.Tuesday (Aug. 23) a somewhat less straight — but still striking — line-up of the three will be visible.
The two planets — yellow-orange Mars and yellow-white Saturn — will appear to form a nearly perfect vertical line in the sky with the 15th brightest star, the reddish supergiant Antares.
Interestingly, the name Antares means “rival of Mars.” (“Anti” comes from the Greek word for “against,” and Ares was the ancient Greek god of war, whereas Mars was the Roman war god.) In fact, Mars will pass 1.8 degrees above Antares, and it will shine at a brilliant magnitude of minus 0.4; Antares, by comparison, will shine at magnitude 1.0 (lower magnitudes appear brighter), making Mars more than three times brighter than its rival.
Hope the sky clears that I may see it again – maybe you will too! Maybe you will do a little fishing too.

In the evening before the stars. What is this fish eating?
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