Dave Wrote:  Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. A train and the RR tracks behind our property. See I can shoot something besides birds. Very slow here not much moving yet. aves

08 23 2022 Dave Cesari

08 23 2022 Dave Cesari

08 23 2022 Dave Cesari

08 23 2022 Dave Cesari

I wrote:  You do not know how wonderful Dave’s photos were for me?  They triggered memories.  One of the first times I got off the homestead farm I grew up on, was when I was sent to first grade in a one-room school house, at age six, in  a little coal mining town in the hills of southern Pennsylvania.

Think I cried for the whole  first month.   Then, I found the coal trains going right along the school play yard – Rather than play ball with kids I did not know, I would sit by the tracks and watch the trains roll by – wave at the engineers. I think it was the start of my years of travel lust.  That joy of travel never ended – all because of those trains!

I think that must be me on the bank – right next the that smoke belching traveling machine!

Dave has trains in his back yard – Here in TGO we have friendly deer – I counted nearly 20, near the Rally Lot, one evening when I was out on my bike!  A good promo for TGO – The Great Outdoors.

As you swing through life – Do something new – Dave did and triggered in me a fun memory. Of course Mom and Dad forced me to do something new – go to first grade!