Once again, go see Cesari’s postings. (Click here or click Photo Club in left side bar.) His photos and knowledge of birds is outstanding – Do not miss his postings.
In the last few blogs I have written about pondering and nature. (Click Older Posts at the bottom of this page). You know, living pretty much alone, in a home that is surrounded by nature, it is easy to see things I want to share. But you are not standing here beside me.
So, when I see such a thing I whip out my cell phone and snap. The iPhone photos I snap are nothing like the quality photography you see on Cesar’s postings. But, hopefully my photographs get the job done. The job, being “Share what I just saw.”
Scroll on down to see a few “shares” I snapped just for you:

I love to see a rainbow that is a cloud or is it a cloud that is a rainbow?

How about this Mom? She and her twins are in my front lawn each evening? Those twins are getting pretty big to be demanding dinner at the same time that Mom is trying to have dinner of front lawn grass..

From my front lawn behind the deer – An ocean going freighter heading for the Soo Locks into Lake Superior. I like the gulls in the foreground and the white of the freighter that matches their color.

Always looking at clouds – What do you see?

I see a rooster head?

More clouds – What do you see?

Very orderly geese – 55 of them in a row!

One Mom? I think she must be exhausted keeping track of this crew and teaching them how to be grown-up ducks!

As you swing through life, enjoy your observations of nature and share your observations via the magic of the cell phone camera.
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