Dave Wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. This is the slow time of year for bird photography. Going thru some older files. Here are some shots of Jaegers from Daytona Beach, Fla. from a few years ago. In late afternoon there are thousands of gulls that gather on the beach. Jaegers gather there also to prey on the gulls. Jaegers are a piratical kleptoparasitic bird. They chase the gulls to make them either disgorge or drop what prey they have caught. We go there to see the gulls but my main interest i s to try to photograph the jaegers. This one day I was successfull to shoot two different species. First an immature Pomarine Jaeger then a Parasitic Jaeger. The last is the Pomy chasing a Parasitic. The best I’ve ever gotten them. Dave
08 02 2021 Dave Cesari
08 02 2021 Dave Cesari
08 02 2021 Dave Cesari
08 02 2021 Dave Cesari
08 02 2021 Dave Cesari
Color – I love it. Color is a major element in life! We people (humans) use color as an identity of our culture, to show our feeling today, to proclaim our religion, to make our social statement, etc. Since street photography is about people, look for the color I found as I snapped these photographs, secretly, with my iphone.
For unplanned reasons, I spent nearly a week in New York City’s borough of Brooklyn. Each day, I had time to do some “Street Photography” in areas where people actually live. I found it to be a brand new experience. It stimulated the idea of traveling to major cities in the future and street walking in areas where people live.
That will be a lot different from trips I have done in the past. I worked in most major cities of the US and Europe, but always down-town in offices and hotels where people work, not where they live. After this Brooklyn experience, I want to go back to those cities and photograph where people live, love, eat, play, attend religion service, and shop. My street time in Brooklyn really got me to thinkin’ that way.
Here is some of what I saw. Hope to show you, in the future, more from NYC & other cities around the world:
Color culture – Three leaving Avenue H Subway, Brooklyn.
Color statement – Waiting in line for breakfast, near Foster Avenue, Brooklyn
Color culture or religion – Crossing the street
Color with one color being black and one color being bright – yet they are visiting together.
Color all around the shopper from the Container Store – Maybe in front of the Milk & Honey Cafe’, Brooklyn
Oh my – looks like the storm did it – wonder if the person on the bench lost it. Wonder what her colored cloth represents?
Walked around umbrella and turned around – Wow Color! The person is standing on a bench talking on cell phone.
Color of the clothing was black and white so I did the photo in Black and white – I was surprised by the casual shoes under what I considered sort of a formal dress.
Color – Deco used color on the graffiti to get his/her message to the viewer.
Color & the joy visiting with a friend on the iPhone. I think I see bit of a smile as she enters my photo from the right – But the object of this photo is really the lady in the background – soft color dress – The eyes say I got caught – but the real purpose of the shot was to show the nicely colored shoes.
As you swing through life enjoy getting caught as you enjoy people out about on the streets around you.
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