I have more on Cuba I want to show you. But, Dave prompted me to deviate today. Go to the Photo Page and see Dave’s new Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and his thoughts on photo lighting and bedraggled looking subjects! They are great – Thanks, Dave.
After you go to Photo Page, return and see:
Why be a photographer?
For years, I have been helping to shape the Photo Club at TGO and I do not really practice the technology of taking a photos.
But, I have a very strong philosophical view of practicing “your” reasons for being a photographer – at any technical level and encouraging you to decide if they want to advance your technical excellence. I encourage you to advance their own reason for being a photographer and not worry about your photo technology advancement!
On the internet I have located a site that gives us 54 reasons for being a photographer. I have presented that topic at several TGO Photo Club meetings over the years (and other Club meetings also). At the bottom of this page I will give you that web link.
Here are four reasons I often think about as I whip my iPhone camera out of my pocket as I go about my daily chores:
I love photography because photography changes the way you see things. I notice light, shapes, colours, textures, and I often ask myself “Why is that subject doing what it is doing?” …Everything around you looks different when you start to see the world as a photographer.
Photography is a fantastic story-telling medium. Whether you’re telling a story with one image, a sequence, a series, or an entire portfolio, the possibilities are endless.
Just ask yourself what story you want to tell, and photography can get you there.
With your images you can also make people stop and think.
Just a glance at a powerful image can stop people in their tracks. Some images can change the way you view the world for the rest of your life. Strong stuff.
No doubt, there are countless good things about being a photographer. After all these reasons, this one should just make sense. With all the beauty, joy, love, connection, variety, history, adventure, movement, emotion, and awesomeness that makes up life, how could you not be stoked to get out there and experience it?? With camera in hand, of course.
Here is the one link I told you about (54 reasons to go there): https://photographyconcentrate.com/54-reasons-why-you-should-be-photographer/
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