Where there’s smoke there is fire or Where there’s a bear tract there is a bear!! Saw the track on our trail ride but missed the bear.

On the ferry – navigated up the ramp – between a boat load! of cars – do those light make that look like a appropriate tow vehicle!!

From our dock, we often saw freighters like this heading for the Soo, Duluth, or thru the Straights, or on to the Ocean – or points in-between.

It has been said “Where the mind goes the body will follow” —1,000 feet back is the other end of this freighter – heading to the Duluth with the front end of course.

Beautiful trail – this is Sue on her mount – sometime the trail is wide, sometimes both legs and head were scrapping trees at the same time – but with these mounts we enjoyed it all.

Here we see cool and drizzle golf – one can tell by the golf cloths! – notice the road on the middle right!

OOPS! -not only is the weather unique on Drummond golf courses – that is not a road – it is a run-way big enough to handle twin jets owned by some wealthy visitors (and owners)- but notice after hole 3 we must cross an active run-way to get to hole 4!!! – So, two carts wait at the stop sign while a student pilot does a take-off while doing touch and goes. Pilot has the right-of-way, by law!!! and I must say by my version of common sense too!!

Oh, before I go and before this rig goes – chores must be done – Guess what Sue is doing inside – Did you ever move? — I mean every week or so? — if you have never been responsible for such a rig you may not relate to these chores – but if you have been responsible for one – YOU KNOW!!!

Another OOPS, on Drummond we see strange puppets and stranger puppeteers in the sky – or is it only in my mind – maybe you can see it too – then it will be in your mind! Welcome to Drummond – it is a little different but very enjoyable!

It would not surprise me to see this guy on Drummond because he is just a little different – but, then so am I!
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