Do you mind eyes staring at you or you at them – Hey, go see Dave’s great shots of owl eyes staring at you. Click in left hand column (Photo Shoot Images) to see them – then return here and take a morning walk with me.
Here on Drummond autumn arrives early and fast – one day it is summer and the next day it is fall. It felt that way this morning. Soon the Sand Hill Cranes will circle the island to gather up groups for the trip south. I know that will not happen for another month but these last few days made me think of next month. Bright sunshine with brief periods of cloud cover, fog rolling in over the bay a 5:30 this morning, and heavy dew in the morning.
This week, I cut more grass, cleaned up more downed trees, painted more items than I did all summer. I did all that work just so I could enjoy being outside in the early fall-late summer days on Drummond. We still have 15 hours of light, but each day the hours of light shrinks. And the temps – Oh my – in the high 60’s at noon today – with bright sun.
Like Mister Hawthorne said:
“I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.” Oct. 10, 1842 ― Nathaniel Hawthorn
Others have said: Everyone must go outside and watch fall sneak in – Hello, Fall! It’s Fall Y’all. Happy Fall Y’all.
First at 5:30 the whole lake was hidden in a fog bank that soon burnt off. That is when I took a walk outside to enjoy the dew and late summer flowers of early morning.
According to the dictionary – Dew is water in the form of droplets that appears on thin, exposed objects in the morning due to condensation. As the exposed surface cools by radiating its heat, atmospheric moisture condenses at a rate greater than that at which it can evaporate, resulting in the formation of water droplets. Because dew is related to the temperature of surfaces, in late summer it forms most easily on surfaces that are not warmed by conducted heat from deep ground, such as grass, leaves, railings, car roofs, and window panes.
Bet you are glad I looked that up just for you – Anyway I will post some of the photos I took on my early morning walk today.
I truly hope these photos inspire you to get out there and enjoy the simple but beautiful things you can see and study each day as the new season approaches. – And of course take your camera and share your experience with friends and neighbors. If you send me a photo or two I will share it on this Photo Club blog – even if you are not a member I am sure our members would enjoy your photos!
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