On the  Photo Page to the left Eileen posted a really beautiful Egret photo, Bill White has a question for you, and Susan Hubbard is sharing photos of a trip to Black Point – to see them all click “Photo Page” on the left.

COLOR – Below are my thoughts on color upon my return from Cuba:

Every one of life’s journeys is a changing experience – I mean one experience changes how you look at the next experience. 

Cuba’s color changed my focus on the colors in my everyday life. I loved my brief experience in Havana Cuba.  since Gloria is an artist, she made sure each of our excursions on this trip included viewing Cuban art.  We did not know it at the time, but seeing Cuban art is easy – there is colorful art every where.

First, I will show you three images that the Cuban experience caused me to see more clearly in my everyday Drummond Island  life.  Then, I will show you images of Havana and some real color!

There are many places I could place my canoe – – Now I know I put it here so that I can see it’s splash of red when I look out the front window.

From my back window my garden displays the colors of Cuba.

I keep my front windows open to the west to see the color of the sunset – tonight I see Cuban red – the color of fire in the sky!.

In Havana there is color everywhere. Cuban artists create murals as public art.  As I showed yesterday (See Older Posts at the bottom of this page) Cuban music includes dancers in a display of color. The old cars are pastels of blue water, green palms, red sunsets, and more. The buildings that line the streets that the cars drive on and our bus traveled on are a mosaic of the same blue water, green palms and red sunsets with yellows mixed in plus unpainted wood the color of an upside down row-boat laying on the shore.

Maybe another trip to Cuba may make sense for me. I need more time to explore what all this color means to these people who built tunnels for use during the Cuban missile crisis – for a people living under communist government rules of the kind we in USA have not experienced, for a people who need to go through a ton of Government approval processes just to get a permit to go fishing in a row-boat – I was told this process was required for fear their fishing trip may turn out to be an escape row toward Florida and to never to return to Cuba?

Enough of that – let’s look at some of the color I saw in Cuba:

STREET COLOR – Did our streets look this bright and colorful  in the 1950’s?

TAXI COLOR: Do our taxis look this colorful?  The yellow sign on the roof and the blue car are a beautiful contrast!

REFLECTED COLOR: Color is even reflected in the window of the Cuban bus as we travel the streets of Havana!

WEALTH COLOR: As we passed by what I think is a “wealthy” neighborhood – still rich in color.

PLAIN FOLK COLOR: I think a not so wealthy neighborhood – but still, rich in color.

COLOR THEY WEAR:  Throughout Havana, laundry is drying on the line.   Does your closet of cloths look this colorful?

ABSTRACT COLOR: Look at this colorful mural on the wall of an Art Gallery operated by this artist.

COLOR EVERYWHERE – A whole street of colorful art!


COLOR YOUR CANOE: Oh my – As you look down from your swing of life’s experiences – think of color – maybe plan to add a little more color to your “canoe”  – The experience may make your outlook a little brighter.