I just returned from a great trip to Cuba. Before reading of my Cuba story -On the  Photo Page to the left Eileen posted a beautiful photo and Bill White has a question for you – click “Photo Page” on the left.

Below are my first comments on the Cuba trip  – Tomorrow I plan to post here a story on my observations of the “Colors of Cub”

Here are my first comments on my CUBA TRIP :

Let me show you what we think about when we think of Cuba? Bad statement – I should be saying, “I will show you what you think about when you think of Cuba?” – I do not believe it – That is another bad statement – I can only show you what I think about when I think of Cuba: Cigars, Rum, Old cars, and of course Beautiful dancing women.  Read on.

I found the Cuban people to be the nicest, most helpful, friendly, beautiful people – They were great hosts.  How did we get visa’s:  The governments (US and CUBA) allow visa to folks like me visiting so that we meet on a one-to-one basis. An opportunity for neighbors to get to know each other better.  Our cruise organized special one-on-one education tours. Gloria and I selected two tours  “1. Cigars, Rum, and Arts” and “2. The old Havana and the new Havana” –  They were very well run  wonderful tours!

There are some things of Cuba that I think are on the very dark side – In later posts I will tell you of some that I think I saw and heard – They may be only on the dark side because I grew up in our wonderful USA. But, I have spent much time working in many countries around the world and I think folks from some of those countries that did not grow up in USA would not find the same things “dark” that I did. I can only show you what I see and think.  This is part of neighbor getting to know neighbor.  That is why the governments are giving the limited visas.

But for now lets look at my photos of each:  Visa to enter Cuba, Cigars, Rum, Old cars, and of course Beautiful dancing women.

We have our Visas, The view from the stern of our Norwegian Cruise Ship (A floating tropical resort is what it was) as we left Florida waters for Cuba.

The start of the Rum tour – our guide was very proud of rum factory museum and of course of the rum.

And they are proud of the cigars – so much so that they gave me one to enjoy!

Is that a toast with rum or what! Cuba has some very bright sides!

Looking through the window, I snapped this – When I was a teenager – I think. Hey, is that a Russian built tractor in the background?

Now, what do you say of that barefoot dancer, the colors,  the drum rhythm, and bright sunshine!

But, do not forget – more on this subject later.

Oh my – As you swing through life – get to know your neighbor – share ideas and find ways to think no harm