I have been traveling for a month and a half. In the old days, I would invite you over for a drink, pull out the slide projector, take the pictures off the wall, and make you sit for a couple hours watching my slides.
In these new days, I will use this blog and I will not know if you doze off and snore. But, I do plan to post often. Here is the first posting:

A bike trip on Drummond Island took me past this tourist spot with 2 very large chairs.

At a tourist spot you can always find someone to take a photograph of you being a tourist.

As I bike I always look for mushrooms – don’t you?

And, even when traveling, I have to play with PhotoShop.

This has no PhotoShop – I included it here because that little reddish mushroom pushing up in the middle caught my attention. In previous posts you saw I was watching the other mushrooms mature each day.

I like watching flowers mature also.

Today, this flower got me to thinkin’ Ice Cream – so, I had to bike on over to theTasteFreeze store in Madison NJ and purchase a cone of vanilla soft twist.

But back in Southern Michigan at a beautiful campground sort of like TGO, near Lake Michigan, my son, Jim, and I enjoyed biking the rail trails for many miles..

In NYC the biking is interesting as you pass “Old Men” playing checkers in the park – their view though is of neighbors homes – on an acre I estimate there are the home’s of at least 2,000 people.

On Northern Michigan I bike past my home that I sold 2 years ago – I estimate on those 3 acres there are 2 people and one horse in the corral.

I do not always bike – I do have a four wheel vehicle.

I find one Islander’s bailiwick. You do know what a bailiwick is – if not sure – look it up.

In that bailiwick I find an old sugar mill – ? or was it moonshine?

Wonder why the Jeep was left behind? Do you think the revenuers had anything to do with it?

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE – Fear not – In this new world, you do not have to doze through my trip phots – just go to another HTTP
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