You are human. You can tell stories. That separates you from other animals.  We humans all have cameras now with our cell phones.  So use it to record your story.  But then what?  Read on, maybe I will give you an idea on how we can get to know each other better.

Photojournalism corresponds directly to what people should be informed about. It is a form of journalism using photographs to tell a story that should be told to the people.  

Whereas, Street-Photography corresponds directly with the photographer not the people. It is a form of building a photo album, a story, of what is interesting to the photographer at the moment the shutter is pushed.  It does not have to be a story that should be told to the people.

Of course you, may be interested in my photo album but I really built it for me – to fulfill my desire to record scenes I found interesting.   I try to get to the point where, in the split second, I have to pull the trigger I automatically apply good photo composure, color, and all that make a great photo.  But I do not fret over my failures because I am recording a story for my viewing pleasure.  I can enjoy the scene in review even if the composition is not perfect.  So, I am not ashamed to show you my album of less than perfect images of my perfect photos.  Hope you feel the same about the photos you take.

New subject: I started this blog to share with my Kids & Grandkids.  I hoped it would encourage them to enjoy sharing their own personal life with me by sharing their photo albums with me. That way I would really get to know them through seeing what interested them.  In short,  I tried to make them each become Street-Photographer’s snapping their unique interest.   Hope that all makes sense.

I want to show you a dozen or so photos from my Drummond Island morning journey on foot down the road doing road-photography  (We do not call them streets):

The day starts on my own road when I step out to great the morning here on Drummond Isaland – You see the circle road passing in front of the horse trailer. Of course not. I had it nicely graded and surfaced with road mix a few years back – But nature had other ideas – she wanted it to look natural and green – she wins and I love it.  She did leave it hard – nice to drive on – So we both win.

Next – I did not travel yet – but I did watch Momma deer (She is hiding behind the trailer) give a modern lesson to her triplets. She came to the edge of the road – looked both ways and then crossed the road. Her three little ones did the same – I gave each of the an “A”

Time for me to get my morning apple and be on the road. Oops! My brain went into gear wondering how many people are pealing off that little sticker telling you what kind of apple it is. Another modern lesson – many years ago when I got my breakfast apple I picked it off the ground, looked and the tree it was under and knew what kind of apple it was! Ever onward with my morning stroll.

My dock needs help – In the last two winters the pressure of the ice breakup in the Bay did the damage

But look at the beautiful flowers growing in the shallow water by the dock

I see images of things everywhere – in the clouds, in the fallen bark from a birch tree – everywhere!

Even in beautiful rotten logs I see a creatures face.

And one of the few times I eat out I look up and see a face of a bird – Oh it is real

Thought I would throw in this image that made me think integrated neighbor hood.

The beauty of long past thistles scattered on the low plants in front of the thistle plants.

Now some real people coming in from an early morning fishing trip – sort of like real street photography of real people doing real things.  What is the guy in red pointing to in the sky – is anybody listening.

More real street (road) photography at the Marina down the road

I could not help my self – Just had to reflect that just a few short weeks ago I was doing street photography in New York City. Oh my!

As you swing through life help others get to know you better – Show them your personal photo albums – in fact enjoy making your photo albums – become a regular photographer – a regular story teller – enjoy