I love living on slow Pondering Island – officially named, Drummond Island. You see, Pondering Island is beautiful. It is where nature fills my eyes every moment of the day without TV, radio, or other distractions.
Pondering is a way of slowing down the world and forming thoughts and responses over time. Our popular current culture promotes drama where emotional responses are glamorized in the news media, the FaceBook accounts, and even the sports events.
So, while nature is filling my view of the world, I sit and ponder.
The other day, I even sat and pondered about “Black Lives Matter.” Don’t all lives matter? I grew up in a culturally isolated community,- sort of like the Amish. Our lives mattered and we were taught, from day one, that all lives mattered. The lives of all ethnic groups matter. If we are guilty of innocent ignorance, fix it. If Dixie is an offense word to some – do not use it. For example: Maybe “Dixie Cups” was , I am sure, innocently named but it is offensive to some due to the word Dixie’s tie to the confederacy. If the owners of Dixie cup now changed it to “Great Cups” would they loose a lot of business? Offending someone out of innocence ignorance is one thing but offending them’s once we know better – let’s not do it.
Oh my pondering is complex.
OK, here are a few photos to show you some nature around me so that you can look at them a ponder. Now, do not let me influence you – You ponder your own thoughts – but take the time to ponder say I.

Maybe you did not see the gull sitting on the pole at the end of my dock – I know him/her – that is his pole – no one else is allowed to sit there – I Pondered why only him/her??

My other dock – this dock is the daytime sleeping place for this duck family – but other creatures from time to time came share – I pondered why??

Finally too many gulls wanted to share dock number 2 – the ducks left and went to my dock number 1 – Here they are – I pondered why the gulls got dock number 2 and the ducks had to get up and go to dock number 1??

I seems butterflies like this tree trunk – no flowers here – but this one left and a seconded on landed right here – I pondered why??

These are twins – Why does one appear so much smaller – I pondered why??

I love a storm – Gloria sent me a photo of a Florida storm – Look at the contrast of colors – Ponder why a storm creates such a beautiful photo, or a work of art – or ponder why you are hungry or ponder anything – just look at nature (this beautiful Florida storm) and take the time to ponder.

Look at these 60 geese -5 days ago I counted them as I chased them out of my front lawn – they eat all the grass and make lots of poop – not good for front lawns. Oh My what about pondering – look at the next photo.

5 days ago 59 geese left our bay – Have not seen them since – but this one stayed – I pondered why? did he/she loose his/her mate and stayed in mourning; was he/she a bad goose and the other 59 kick him out of the group; is he/shethe king/queen and told the other 59 to get off this bay; or does he/she have a broken wing and can’t fly with the other 59? Ponder that, and you may not be able to sleep tonight thinking about it.

I pondered what drove these people to tell me not to pick a bouquet of wild flowers for my home

This is a big rock dropped here many years ago by the melting of the glaciers – over time leaves gathered on top – made soil and trees grew straight up from the rock – I pondered how many years that took and I pondered how many years ago the glaciers melted.

This frog just sat there looking at me. So I pondered how close I could get to him with my iPhone camera. I lay on my tummy and wiggled up close.

I pondered why the camera tinted the shot – bu now I know I could get close and I know what a frog looks like up close

I tried to lay on my tummy wiggle up close to this snake but off he/she went – He/she did not like looking in my eyes. – I pondered the difference between the the frog and the snake.
I truly hope you enjoyed my snapshot of nature – it is OK if you forget all the pondering and just enjoy nature where ever you are.

As you swing through life, Ponder why I never get anything done – why all I do is ponder – See, while you ponder that about me – know that pondering is good for you.
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