You know, in these days of change, Our happiness is controlled by our tolerance of change and our skill at learning new things. Actually, change and learning new things are the same. If you change you learn new things and if you learn new things you change.

This was the Grant Wood painting I used for the abstract. See color, form, composition.

This a a abstract way at looking at the famous painting by Grant woods
In general, there is a tight connection between creativity, tolerance, and learning. It has been my goal, in retirement, to practice creativity, tolerance, and learning each day. You see, I try to practice change each day.
Think about how things changed in the 30 years since I retired for the first time: Changes in international travel, many corporate executives are now Mothers, same sex marriages out in the public, cell phones in every persons pocket, phone cameras with us all the time, growth in personnel finances, Zoom brings together communities of folks with similar interests from all around the world, internet, Uber, … Oh my .… it has been a fun 30 years for us that embraced the change.
Now, researchers are helping Universities develop programs aimed at better preparing young people for creativity in their life and work in an increasingly changing economic and social environment.
These University programs define creativity as Five Habits of Mind:
1. Inquisitive
Exploring and Investigating
Challenging assumptions
2. Stick With It
Tolerating uncertainty
Daring to be different
3. Creative Imagination
Playing with possibilities
Using intuition freely
4. Disciplined Action
Developing new techniques
Reflecting critically
5. Work Together
Giving and receiving feedback
Cooperating – Sharing
Being in Corona lock-down gives us lots of time to create using our Mind’s 5 habits. Yesterday, I even ordered my groceries, for the next 2 weeks, online and had them delivered to my doorstep!
Playing with PhotoShop is not new to me, but playing with PhotoShop to create abstract art is a change for me. This week I’ve been thinking about abstract art by studying how the masters of art and great photographers use color and form.

Here is a famous piece art by a master. But where is the bright red and yellow I love?

My version modernized with a little of my two favorite colors, RED and YELLOW

This may not a photo by one of the masters – but I liked it – But where is the bright red and yellow I love?

My first creative version of the photo above.

My second creative version of the photo above.

My third creative version of the photo above.

But I like a little red too. – I would hang this in my office, for one day at least!

As you swing thru life – Think create, accept change, in fact enjoy change. Even dealing with our lock-down is not so bad – smile and create something new, or learn something new – Oops they are the same – Oh well, learn to enjoy change ’cause it will happen.
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