As TGO Photo Club members migrate to their spring/summer/fall activities I am going to attempt to offer a forum for members to share the joy of their activities with other club members. I want to help them tell their story through photos – stories snapped with their cell phones – or stories snapped on the spur of the moment using their cameras that just happened to be with them.
I will try to have two Club pages on this website throughout the summer – 1. The TGO Photo Page that you can click on in the left hand column and 2. The TGO Story Page that for right now will be this page that you are reading.
First click on the TGO Photo Page to see Dave Cesari’s NY spring snow and birds enjoying the snow at his feeders. Dave wrote: “Hi Jim, A lovely spring day here in upstate NY. The plus side is it makes birds come to the feeders. A Cardinal, Fox Sparrows & a Morning Dove. Dave”
Then scroll down – In the future, I hope to get photos from Club members so that I never have to use my own photos again. I want to provide this space for club members to tell their story with each other.
To get started, I will post a few cell phone photos that tell you my story of last week -seeing things in the great outdoors right here around the Great Outdoors – all taken within the last week or so with my cell phone while I spend most of my spare time enjoying The Great Outdoors’ great outdoors.

The prescribed burn in the St Johns area along our Nature trail.

Lots of equipment and people needed to make it happen

I caught Doug Jensen – a club member – doing a documentary of the burn – sure was fun and educational watching him work

Oh my – I looked to the left and saw these green bananas, which at my age, I never buy. – Have you walked the great outdoors and found these bananas?

How about this – did you see that expression – “I do not see a gator, do you?

Oh my – Being watched by the man in the sky!

Seven young pigs at play – Just squealing and chasing each other – jumping around like young kids in the school playground

Then Mom saw me – Somehow she communicated that to the little pigs – and off they went – I called it Pig Language or was it Pig Latin? (Maybe “Go Hide” is “Ogay Idehay”)

Oh my – as you swing through life tell me of your fun through snapped photographs – I will post them to share with club members
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