I Wrote: I lost these photos and Dave had to remind me – I am sure glad I found them – No one can make me enjoy a snowy day in up-state New York the way Dave and his photos do. Hope you enjoy them that much too:
Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Yesterday was a snowy, stormy day here in upstate NY. Our feeders were very active all day. I had to trudge out in the snow to refill them several times. Dave
“Where did I put those keys?” … “What was it I wanted when I opened the frig door?” … What was that phone number I just looked up?” I just was not focusing.
As I get older this happens to me more often. So, to help me practice focusing, I use street photography as one of my hobbies. When out on the street looking to photo people doing interesting things, I need to focus.
In the next three photos I was focusing on people that were focusing. Of course they were in their own world, so I did not know what they were focusing on.
I added Dave’s Cardinal, so that when you viewed my photos you would have something that you thought they were focusing on. Ha Ha!
Now you know how I practiced focusing by focusing on those that were focusing!
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