I Wrote: I lost these photos and Dave had to remind me – I am sure glad I found them – No one can make me enjoy a snowy day in up-state New York the way Dave and his photos do. Hope you enjoy them that much too:
Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Yesterday was a snowy, stormy day here in upstate NY. Our feeders were very active all day. I had to trudge out in the snow to refill them several times. Dave

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari
“Where did I put those keys?” … “What was it I wanted when I opened the frig door?” … What was that phone number I just looked up?” I just was not focusing.
As I get older this happens to me more often. So, to help me practice focusing, I use street photography as one of my hobbies. When out on the street looking to photo people doing interesting things, I need to focus.
In the next three photos I was focusing on people that were focusing. Of course they were in their own world, so I did not know what they were focusing on.
I added Dave’s Cardinal, so that when you viewed my photos you would have something that you thought they were focusing on. Ha Ha!

What was the driver focused on

I love NYC streets for photography. But to find this lady focusing was a special find.

At the airport – people focused in their own world – another special find.
Now you know how I practiced focusing by focusing on those that were focusing!

As you swing through life, sprinkle a little snow on the view out your window even if it is sunny and 90 degrees – that is also a beautiful way to enjoy snow.
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