Your surroundings make you happy or sad I have been told.

I say, the way you look at your surroundings is what makes you happy or sad. Quit that crying – Now!  Oh my – sounds like a parent.  Ask Heather and Jim!!!   I would add in no uncertain terms ” Be happy!”  Then, I would laugh – try to put a twinkle in my eye – and tell them I understood the severity of their problem – sometimes that would actually make them laugh.

From my lunch – Once again study clouds for images – maybe a fish/whale being chased by ?

Here is a new view of those clouds – just before I partake of lunch

Take a walk and study a rotting post – Oh my – a painted rock – There are more around – if you find one and move it – send me a photo of its new location and I will post it as a clue to help others find it!

Today I found a sand trap artist – I understand the golfer played that sand trap ball as a lost ball

The smell is better than the dinner as you enter the Blue Heron Restaurant – Sorry Chef Larry, , I should not have said that

Speaking of dinner – This brand new Momma tried to convince her fawn to lay down in the tall grass by the lake – I convinced the fawn to disobey Mom and follow her – See that 10 foot log swimming out in the lake!

Really there are fun environments to study – even in the city

Maybe in your closet even – Look at these colors and patterns

Back to the city

More City – City folks sure are … Best I say no more!

So as you swing through life – be happy  – join me in finding fun things to look at