Hey, Go to the TGO Photo Club Pages and see Dave’s display of spring birds in up-state New York.
In the last post I ask you to ponder the changes that the pandemic will bring to your life.
As you ponder, remember that business drives change. I spent my working years getting computers to do new business things that brought about change. Some examples: translating documents into dozens of languages, putting together all the parts needed to rebuild an automobile engine, predicting when a company needed new printers, and scheduling the vacancies in the bed and breakfasts in a town in the Texas Hill Country. Business needs change.
This Coronavirus thing will expedite businesses need for change.
THE PAST: Here are some photos showing changes of the past to get us thinking of changes in the future:

Before and after. – My Grandpa was selling his own 80 proof elixir claiming it would cure everything.. I heard about those fake doctors on the CBS’s Sunday Morning TV show hosted by Jane Pauley. Today, our pharmacies do a pretty good job controlling elixirs.

Before and After – I doubt that the businessman on the left thought his Grandchildren would be doing business like pictured on the right.
Today, we all carry this little thing in our pocket that lets us talk to family members anytime we want to. Zoom and FaceTime let us see them even when they are thousands of miles away. For me that is real change.

Before and After – On Pam Am’s 747, when I started flying for business, the upstairs was a lounge as shown on the left, Then later, Business Class was put upstairs. Now they tell me it is like the photo on the right.
THE FUTURE: Due to the Coronavirus, business engineers and designers are working in every industry to find new safe ways to keep our entertainment fun, our future daily convinces available, and our business world growing.
I am betting they will be successful and bring about future changes even faster than past changes. Businesses will think out of the box:

I Just saw some ideas the airline industry is working on. – I may enjoy flying again!
Maybe instead of farmer’s market we will have a drone deliver a package of fresh fruits and vegetables to our front door each week. A computer could put together a mixture in the package that best serves our particular diet needs.
i heard that Nieman Marcus is going out of business – suppose all mall stores closed. Then, we customers, could tell our computer the image we wanted – I could say I want to look like that model shown in the catalog. The virtual store could then package a set of new cloths each month for us, have a drone deliver it to us, pick up our old ones, and recycle them. We would never have to go to a crowded mall again – and we would always be dressed perfectly in the image we wanted.
Suppose golf courses opened up their cart paths to walkers, joggers, and bikers for two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening. We may all be healthier while living with this stay-at-home Coronavirus rule.
Suppose all stay-at-home families rearranged furniture. Gloria had me do furniture rearrangement three times since stay-at-home started. Each rearrangement is like getting a brand new home. Furniture store owners need to change how they do business to capitalize on this “rearranging thing” that stay-at-home families do.

Oh my – as you swing through life – explore the future potential in your mind – someone will come up with a change that you love.
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