On the sidebar there are links that you can go to. Each of the four links has recent updates.
I will try to devote this page to thoughts on photography and the TGO Photo Club. I will attempt to update it weekly. Please send me your thoughts on photography topics I could research and write about.
Photography has so many opportunities for different focus. Consider just a few: Competing with other photographers, selling photographs, for sharing with family, for sharing through galleries and blogs, as illustrations for a writer, as a digital art form, for documenting nature, for recording history, or just to learn something new – the list goes on. The list even includes “Just to have something to do.”
We can use expensive long telephoto lens or we use simple snap and shoot equipment. Some of us will never post process – they want to show it as the camera saw it. Others may want to use the computer to create truly fake images from the photograph they snapped.
The TGO Photo Club will try to serve the interests and foci of all these people. We will hold meetings for all. Then, we my have smaller groups meet to serve “birds of a feather.” That is my current thinking – but I sure need your thoughts.
So, let us all think about club activities for when we return to TGO in the fall.
Send to me at jimbrubaker@earthlink.net these three items:
- Your summer photos for me to post and share
- Things you want me to research and print here on this page
- Your thoughts on our 2019/2020 meetings and photo shoots
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