Dave Wrote:  Hi Jim, I am constantly working to improve my set up to photograph birds at my feeder sites. Here is my latest set up and some pictures of birds using it. I had a dead pine tree on my back property line and a dead poplar in my woods. I cut them down removed the tops drilled them out for bird seed. I then placed them outside one of my west windows. The woodpeckers seem to really like this set up. You  have to make things work for you it doesn’t just happen on it’s own.  Dave

04 23 2021 Dave Cesari

04 23 2021 Dave Cesari

04 23 2021 Dave Cesari

04 23 2021 Dave Cesari

04 23 2021 Dave Cesari

04 23 2021 Dave Cesari

This is what we woke up to this morning. Don’t you just love it. My poor daffodils. 24 degrees F. at 7:00 AM. 04 22 2021 Dave Cesari


Marc: (My Son-in-Law) wrote: I loves your blog yesterday about your life long learning and using lines in photo composition. I am sending you a photo with lines that I took in a Nature Preserve on Long Island – maybe your can do something with it.

I wrote.  Thx for sending that photo. I love it:  I tried to use the lines to create several surreal photos.  The experience is one of learning and I am really enjoying it.- I will study more about lines and things of nature in compositions – Then, I am sure,  I will use Marc’s photo as a starting base for more of my surreal photos.   Here are two of my attempts so far:

Marc’s original photo that he sent to me.

Attempt #1 using lines

Lines and patterns in a composition

As you swing thru life – I will say again – Enjoy learning – and – Keep doing it!