FIRST: Go see Dave Cesari beautiful photos from up north. TGO Photo Club – left column. The color and detail that Dave captured is beyond my description. Just look at his photos and enjoy them as much as I did.
THEN READ THIS:The cell phone has changed so many of us – we take photographs every day – at least I do.
It influences how we communicate. Before cell phone photos, I had to verbally tell you of things that caught my attention, of things I loved to see, and of things I just wanted tell you about.
Now days my kids and I send text phone photos almost every day – a picture is worth a thousand words – Oh my who said that? And I just thought of this – Digital photos do not have Coronavirus germs on them – they are 100% safe..
Oh yes, with such ease to take photos – It has made each of us an artist. Photography allows us to express ourselves through an art form. We notice a beautiful landscape, a bird that is the same color as it’s food, or a gator hiding in the pond. We want to capture each of them. We are prompted to create something. The creation of an image makes us an artist. It feels good.
Sometimes I take this thing called art creation a step further. I start with a real photo and I create yet another image. These new images just seem to pop up on the computer screen in front of me.

While eating breakfast I saw a red-headed woodpecker hopping around on my bottle brush tree – See it in the upper left? Did the tree have bugs in it, I wondered?

Nope – That bird was eating the seeds. Actually, the bid flew away when I walked out the door so I had to add the bird back in the photo. Hope it is OK to do that. I wanted to show you what I saw.

Here is a sink hole along the road I bike ride on each day. I see some one put a light by it so we would not fall in the hole at night. What do you see in the hole?

I will get in a little closer – now I bet you see that gator in the hole – I knew to look for him ’cause he is almost always there. Oh my look at his forehead. – I will get in a little closer.

Now you see the horse fly! Actually the fly flew away when I walked closer so I had to add the fly back in. Hope it is OK to do that. I wanted to show you what I saw.

Speaking of cells – I get cell phone pictures to supplement the shopping list. That way I know which brand to buy. Gloria wanted to be sure I got the correct “Sprouted” rice, etc. Just for fun I added my list on the right!

Grant Wood is a real famous artist with his American Gothic. All art is a combination of composition, color, forms.

Since I can not draw faces, expressions, or eyes as Grant does, I thought I would take a photograph of Grant’s painting, use his tones and composition and see what kind of abstract art I could create – This is what I got. What you think?

Or maybe I could go a little further with colors, forms, and composition. This is what I got – I know I will be trying this again – other famous paintings. It was fun.
That is a bunch of stuff/stories I wanted to tell you – It would have been difficult to do if I did not have my cell phone camera to make pictures to tell my story to you.

Oh my – as you swing through life – enjoy your artistic creation tool – your Cell-Phone
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