At our grocery store on Drummond Island, to help the ball point pen work on our receipt, the owners tape a piece of paper to the surface where the cashier puts the receipt for our signature.
Now remember somethings on the Island are barely out of the stone age. The computer that prints the receipt is one of those things.
You all probably are not aware that you may stand there 5 minutes waiting for the computer to think about printing. I would like to visit with the cashier but she is very busy staring at the key board as if she is helping the computer in the back room talk to the credit card company somewhere off island.
So, what do I do, I doodle on the paper taped to the surface. — You know, after one of the longer waits, maybe 7 minutes, I doodled on every spot of white space on the paper.
Next trip I stopped to get a six pack for my evening by the outdoor fireplace. Guess what I saw there in the store. The store owner’s had a special place on the wall over the booze and beer where they hung all my doodles.
WOW, I thought, I can really doodle – I can really draw art – OOPS, not so fast. Here is what some dictionaries have to say:
Drawing is a work of visual art — the result of a productive process — whereas doodling is not.
Drawing is meaningful. It communicates something, whether form, space, likeness, action, or ideas. Doodle is to scribble aimlessly.
Oh well, stay sane by digitally scribbling aimlessly while cooped up by the restrictions the governments has had to put in place to control the Coronavirus:

I always start my digital doodling with a normal photograph like this one I took on one of my bike rides.

Next I create something goofy like this. Then, I use this version to doodle up an image or two.

Digital doodle # 1

Digital doodle # 2

Here is another normal photo of making hay on the Island for our horses

Now what you think of this Audi planning to pull the hay wagon – Connecticut horse people enjoy their convertibles..

Digital Doodle #1

Digital Doodle #2

As you swing thru life – think about doodling on your napkin while waiting for your check – OOPS – you can not eat out – Oh well doodle on the back of an envelope you got in the mail. Then hang it on the refrigerator.
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