April 14,2018 Update: Photos from my daily ramblings with iPhone in my pocket – well in my hand when I want to take a photo:
New wall decorations in the Manor Lobby – A CSA and Photo Club joint effort – Photos by Doug Jensen and Jim Hennigar
I know of 4 Sentry Plants in TGO- or are they Century Plants – or are they Agave Americana – or … anyway it is a flowering plant in the family Agavaceae native to south west USA and into Mexico.
Here are two in one lawn
another view of the kissing mushrooms shown earlier
Check the nose of this turtle ( the turtle is not real but the skink is real
Very nice pattern by a “white Bird of Paradise”
April 12, 2018 – Oh my, – Will you think of the wonderful things that are out there to see, then go see them?
I think I have 10,000 digital images stored in the iclouds of the Apple computer. How did they get there you ask?
Good question – Do you have a cell phone? – Do you carry the cell phone most of the time? Would you enjoy spending most of your waking hours outside the house? Is your eye trained to notice tid-bits of tell-tell signs of nature’s creatures and plants while walking/biking/horse-back riding/golfing/canoeing?
I try to answer “Yes” to each question – that way I get to see lot of wonderful facts of nature – and with the cell phone camera – That is how I have thousands of outdoor photos to enjoy over and over – and of course, at times like this, I can share them with you.
Here are just a few:
(Do not forget if you have photos that you would like to share – just send them to me at jimbrubaker@earthlink.net – I will get them posted somewhere in this web-site.)
Attack! Two eagles in my back yard. The one on the left is trying to take off over the lake – see the very large fish in his/her left talons – The eagle on the right is coming in to steal the fish – Neither one got to eat it ’cause the bird with the fish could not get airborne out over the lake and had to drop the fish.
Poor one legged shore bird – otherwise he looks quite healthy – must be able to find enough food, and the important appendages for a bird, his/her wings, appear in good shape!
Sand tunnels on the Nature Trail
The dinner table for a Sand Lion.
The sand Lion out of his/her trap
My game of golf – From the sand trap! Oh my, pretty good would you not say!
I love Mushrooms/Toadstools – “To look at them, I mean”
Kissing Mushrooms/Toadstools
I love Mushrooms/Toadstools – “To look at them, I mean”
How ’bout this guy climbing a tree
Whose tail made this track?
I love Mushrooms/Toadstools – “To look at them, I mean” – They come in all colors and sizes and shapes!
Oh my – Almost time for me to head outdoors on my bike – Catch you next time.
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