People always seem to be looking for ways to better their mood. Nature offers a simple solution to improving one’s emotional health: “FLOWERS”

Being in the presence of flowers triggers happy emotion.”

In a study done by a team of researchers at Rutgers University, it was proven that flowers have a positive effect on people’s moods.

Flowers have a long-term positive effect also. The study showed that the presence of flowers led to increased contact with family and friends.

So, yesterday I went out on a two-hour walk in Nature around our community, The Great Outdoors, with only my iPhone camera in hand, and searched for Natures happy emotion.

At the end of the two hours, I really felt great.  I enjoyed each encounter with flowers in the wild. I will do it again, and I encourage you to give it a try.

I present here, for your enjoyment, 19 of my finds.

Again, a very Happy Easter to you.  May you think of scheduling a little time each day to study a flower.

I will catch you later, when I think of another topic to post on this website.

Oh, by the way – if you have any photos you would like to share with other readers, just send them to me (of course they must be suitable for family viewing) and I will work them into my postings.