I wrote: Yellow cardinals are rare, beautiful birds. Recent sightings of a yellow cardinal have been reported by birders in Illinois and Alabama. Via Chelsea Curry A rare yellow cardinal is visiting bird feeders in Rushville, Illinois. In 2018, a bright yellow cardinal bird in Alabama fascinated the internet.
Well, maybe they are a mutation, maybe a rare-breed, or maybe a regular Cardinal impacted by health or food??? We will let your decide. One on-line place I researched this yellow bird is:
Now on to our returning friends: I met Dave and wife Candis in TGO this week. Great to see them back. They were using some new equipment – and of course using a lot of skill and dedication to see and show us some wonderful shots of birdlife in and around TGO.
Dave wrote: Jim, Here are some owl shots we got after we saw you.
12 29 2021 Candis Cesari
12 29 2021 Dave Cesari
12 29 2021 Dave Cesari
12 29 2021 Dave Cesari
As you swing thru life, Enjoy those birds and animals you see in our GREAT OUTDOOR community! Send me a photo to post!
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