Dave is a fantastic photographer and birder. Each week Dave sends me a half-dozen photos to share. They have been posted to jimsdaily.wordpress.com for about the last 2 years.
For now, Dave’s photos will appear here on jimsdaily.com. His previous photos will remain available at jimsdaily.wordpress.com
Today Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some more pictures for the blog. Bluebirds at my bird houses. I don’t know why they do this in the fall. I have had them do this same thing other years. A Carolina Wren also.I think it came in to see what the activity was around the bird houses.

11 12 2020 Dave Cesari

11 12 2020 Dave Cesari

11 12 2020 Dave Cesari

11 12 2020 Dave Cesari

11 12 2020 Dave Cesari

11 12 2020 Dave Cesari
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