Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. All take at my feeder setups here in our yard in upstate NY. Blue Jays, a male Rd-bellied Woodpecker and a White-throated Sparrow. Cold here this morning 20 degrees F. No snow here as of yet. Dave
11 09 2021 Dave Cesari
11 09 2021 Dave Cesari
11 09 2021 Dave Cesari
11 09 2021 Dave Cesari
11 09 2021 Dave Cesari
11 09 2021 Dave Cesari
Jim wrote: One could be a portrait photographer, or a landscape photographer, or a bird photographer, or just a great photographer. Well, I am not one of those. I am what I call a “Hey, whatcha doin?” photographer.
Half my time I am outside doing stuff or I am on the computer doing stuff like this blog. I took this photo to show you what I was doin right now – writing is blog!
We sold my facility for horses, llamas, cows, etc. So, I no longer do what I did. But, when I had those animals, I was out and about a 7:00 am. Like this nose, looking for breakfast. If you ask in those days “Whatcha doin?” , this photo tells you what I was doin. I was feeding the horses breakfast!
No animals or farm equipment now, but I have a few different toys here in Florida.
This one is brand new – only a day or two old. Great riding bike – The problems is, it is so easy to ride I may not be getting the exercise I need. Anyway, this photo answers the question “Whatcha doin” quite often.
Most of my photos are taken while riding my bike and looking for interesting things like this baby alligator. “Whatcha doin?” – Just riding around, the community of The Great Outdoors where we live.
Here is an interesting one. That skinny snake was sneaking up on that little frog. I watched him for 15 minutes, positioning himself for the attack. But a car came along and ended that pursuit. I would not have answered the phone if you called during that 15 minutes to ask me “Whatcha doin?” But this poor quality snap-shot still answers the question.
“Whatcha doin?” – I am out and about at 7:00 am (at least this morning I was) with a group of men – they fly model RC (Radio Controlled) airplanes. The fellow in the back ground is tuning a very large gasoline engine-powered plane getting it ready to take off. Moments later he enjoyed flying this plane and put on a professional quality air show. The Blue Angles and professional stunt flyers could do no better! He is great. He is one of the men trying to teach me to not crash my plane when flying a simple pattern over the run-way. I took this “Whatcha doin?”photo to help answer the question “Whatcha doin?” around 8:00 this morning.
That is my airplane being taxied in by the instructor – “Whatcha doin?” – I was watching him and listening to him explain how I should do it!
You know me – when it is windy, cold , and raining like it was Saturday, there is no flying – So, I played with PhotoShop making photo art. – Now you know my answer to the question “Whatcha doin?” on such a rainy day.
As you swing thru life, set it as a goal to always have fun answer’s to the question “Whatcha doin?” And take some photos to show others “Whatcha doin?”
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