On the road & eating at the same time
I just got back from a trip through 4 airports, a trip up east cost on a week end, even stopping at a McDonalds for a lunch in the car while driving, and to NYC during rush hour (which as any hour in NYC I discovered).
I discovered we humans are great at standing in line to get what we want. Especially when we want to eat or travel.

By 49th street in NYC – Not exactly a food wagon line – It is really a WEED wagon line. But my point is we humans understand lines – We are actually friendly and orderly in most cases – as you can see folks visiting while waiting in line.

Then, I came across these birds in our great TGO this afternoon – standing in line waiting for food not WEED – but the food was hiding in the weeds. – Those birds were very orderly waiting in line for their turn – I ‘spect we got our ability to tolerate waiting lines from the birds we my have descended from – what you think?

As you swing through life, enjoy visiting with others waiting in line – and stay orderly in life!
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