Hello folks – I sent the following sort of message to the TGO Photo Club membership – But if you are not a member and have photos you would like to share – send them to me and I will work hard to find an opportunity to share them on the Club’s web site— Thanks.
To TGO Photo Club members:
Go to the Club’s Website and see the latest postings and scroll to the bottom and click on older post.
Do one more thing – send me your photos to share your experiences. jimbrubaker@earthlink.net
MANY CLUB MEMBERS SHARE EXPERIENCES – For example: Dave is a great birder with information never know by many viewers, Linda loves to share her day to day life happenings, Jim Hennigar loves to share his love of life – natures sights, views from a drone, and things that are not real, E. Wezerek, Jim Dick, Bob Boyd, and Gary Whittstock, always post special nature shots, and do not forget Susan’s slide shows and flowers, Karin and Phil have added many photos of the love of life that they photograph and share – The list goes on – Sometime I even fill in the gap with whatever I got.
Some sample photos that are on the Club’s site –

05 18 2017 Dave

05 23 2016 Jim H

01 30 2017 Elaine W


Jim H for fun

Gloria painting for me
See, the photos are as varied as the photographer and the viewer – so please contribute to the club site by sending me photos to post – the site is photohappenings.com
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