Dave wrote: Hi Jim, We found a group of 100 plus White Pelicans out on the refuge this morning. I had too much lens on so I couldn’t get the whole flock on the water. Shooting with my 500 mm that worked great for some flying shots. I’m quite pleased with the flying shots. This is the most White Pelicans we’ve seen the whole season. Dave

03 10 2022 Dave Cesari

03 10 2022 Dave Cesari

03 10 2022 Dave Cesari

03 10 2022 Dave Cesari

03 10 2022 Dave Cesari

From my “What You Think” series – “Do you think trucks can get confused? Just 5 days apart – 80 degrees in Florida and 30 degrees in Conn. I think that truck is confused and yearning for a new home in Florida!
I am at the age where my kids are retiring and beginning to face, yipes, old age. So, I tell them I have never really retired – I just do different things.
I can not say I have started to do the things I enjoy doing. I always really enjoyed, quote, working or should I call it playing? Playing is what I always did at work. But, now I do need to plan my work/play. No boss is telling me what to do – I have to decide on my own. To me, that is what hobbies are all about.
For example, Dave Cesari has posted, here, some of the most great photos of those white Pelicans – I am sure no one told him to did it – I bet he enjoyed being out hunting for them and using his camera in a professional way to get those flying shots. And, I bet he planned the trip on his own – no boss told him to get up and do it! I call that a hobby.
Here is some stuff I read: Hobbies provide seniors with an opportunity to socialize, a new experience, methods to improve physical health and relieve stress, a better sense of community and strong sense purpose. It is important for seniors to engage in rewarding activities that enhance wellbeing, self-esteem and individual satisfaction:

Here, I am getting some instructions on how to take off and land on water with a Radio Controlled airplane – Hope to do that some time in the future!
A hobby can be beneficial for you in more ways than one.
- Physical activity leads to better health. …
- It will sharpen your mind. …
- Productivity is good for those used to always going. …
- Social connection promotes happiness. …
- It will relieve some stress.
As you jump for the joy of your life – remember to do the deed as well as giving your thoughts about it.
As I swing thru life I may retire this swing photo – Oh my, It my have a plan of it’s own and keep on a showin’ up
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