Dave wrote:  Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. An adult female Northern Harrier. Used to be known as the Marsh Hawk name was changed a few years ago. The first two flying shots are by Candis. The rest are mine. We are having an interesting and busy year photographing raptors.  Lots of snow here in upstate NY this year.  Dave

02 25 2021 Candis Cesari

02 25 2021 Candis Cesari

02 25 2021 Dave Cesari

02 25 2021 Dave Cesari

02 25 2021 Dave Cesari

02 25 2021 Dave Cesari

Now for the male!

Dave wrote:  Jim, I thought  you  could add these two pictures of a male Harrier to the last batch I sent you as that was only the female Harrier.  Birders call the malet he Gray Ghost.   Dave

02 25 2021 Dave Cesari

02 25 2021 Dave Cesari

As you swing thru life – I hope Dave’s and Candis’s photos inspire you truly enjoy the comfort, beauty, and excitement nature brings to your life.